Am I taking time for myself?

in newvisionlife •  8 months ago 

I have been asking myself this question lately. Certainly, I know that it is very important for my overall health, to have a space and time exclusively for me, where I can enjoy the things I like, pamper myself, maybe do something that takes me out of the routine and makes me feel happy.

I can say that my free time is dedicated to my cryptographic world and to writing, but I also enjoy watching movies with my children.

But, as I said before, I've been thinking a bit about this, because I feel like I should also spend time pampering myself.

Listening to music, getting my hair done, taking care of my skin? are some of the things I haven't been doing that used to be important to me.

I remember in the past, going to the hairdresser once a week, getting my hair, hands and feet done; as well as listening to music every day. It sounds silly, but it was part of me.

The radical change of the economy in our country, made our salaries devaluate and I could no longer afford those expenses, however, I know that it is not only that, because doing my beauty routine at home, it does not take much money, it is something I can afford.

On the other hand, listening to music is free. So I notice how much I have changed and not exactly for the better. I need to rescue part of that person I was, who had much more sparkle than I have now.

Coincidentally, the change of economy coincided with my change of city, and the photographs from before, I lost them in a hard drive that was damaged. I have no images of those times, although I worked a lot more, I had a different energy.

I was also very affected by a cervical discomfort, which causes me vertigo and dizziness, which kept me at home for months. I did physiotherapy to get better, thank God I am better, but during this medical rest, I gained a lot of weight.

The best thing is that I have many plans for myself and one of them is to pamper myself more.

Everything has its moment, I believe that this temporary numbness is a consequence of having lowered the revolutions of my life and that the fact of realizing the things I need and that do me good, is a good symptom of my awakening.

Fortunately, I have great motivations and joys, sharing with my family feeds my soul and keeps my flame burning. My children are my engine and the light of my days.

My plan is to re-discover what other things, in addition to what I already have, make me happy and incorporate them into my routine.

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