A valuable object for me

in newvisionlife •  8 months ago 

While it is true that material things are not important, how helpful they are! Maybe some things make us happy, or are simply very useful, for example, for a housewife, a washing machine is something that makes our days much easier, it is enough that we have to spend some time without that appliance, to realize how valuable it is, precisely because of its usefulness.

But it is not the object I have chosen for this publication, but my smart phone, I tried to think of another that had, for example, sentimental value, but there is not one that is as good a companion as that, at least for me.

Of course, it also has sentimental value, because it was given to me by my sister who is out of the country, in fact, my last three cell phones have been a gift from her and I thank her so much, because my purchasing power would not have allowed me to buy them.

But, honestly, that's not why I chose it, but because it helps me in many ways.

It is very frequent that I have to wait long hours to be attended, mostly in some medical center and it is not tedious, because I take the opportunity to listen to audios of the bible or personal growth videos, depending on what I want to consume at that moment.

I do not like to waste time, that is why I am not an active user of traditional social networks, I love to grow as a person, learn, build, do something that adds to my life.

Watching videos on my cell phone, I have learned to use Canva, a valuable tool for bloggers, I have also studied about cryptocurrencies, I learn English with the Cake application, I edit pictures with Toon Me, I use Bitmoji emojis, in short, it allows me to rely on tools that are very useful in my virtual world.

Screenshots of my smartphone

Not to mention all the banking transactions, as well as exchanges and basic functions such as calls and messaging, which are always at my disposal.

It should be noted that when I started writing my blog, I didn't have a PC as I do now and I used my cell phone to make my posts. It was not comfortable, to write and layout a post I find much better a computer, however, quite that served me at the time, I know it is the reality of many of us.

No matter what devices I have to listen to music, it is my cell phone that I look for videos or songs and play them.

When I have no idea what to cook, I look for a recipe on the web with the ingredients I have and that's it!

What can I tell you, even when I'm not sleepy, I just play the bible or music to sleep.

Cover designed in Canva.
Bitmoji Emojis
Separator made in PowerPoint, using the official Blurt logo.
Translated with www.DeepL.com/Translator (free version)

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