3 lessons I learned from my mother

in newvisionlife •  8 months ago 

My mother is the best school of values I could have had, she taught us (my brothers and me) to be correct and to have a conscience.... In this publication I will share 3 of the values I learned from her.

A psychologist once told me that I was a very vertical person, in relation to my belief system and values, that I tried to adapt to situations, but I did it like bamboo, which bends vertically, but never bends. Now that I think about it, I most likely learned it (or maybe inherited it) from my mom.

She is the most correct person I know, I think in the extreme, she is always thinking about how what she or we do impacts others, likewise, she takes seriously what others do. She is also generous and caring, those who know her love her, although she is not one to love everyone (neither am I).

My mother and daughter. Photo edited with PicsArt

What I am, is thanks to her, each of her teachings are engraved in my soul and have helped me to get ahead in every challenge or difficulty.

Without further ado, I will point out 3 of the lessons I learned from her, although in reality there are many that I received, let's see which are the first three that come to mind now.

1 We are valuable, but we are not unique in the world.

My mother instilled in us, that as human beings we are valuable, we should not feel less than anyone (nor more), but at the same time, we are not unique in the world, we should not focus only on what we want or need, we also have to think about others, how our actions affect others and that surely any stumble, which we see as a tragedy, is something minor compared to what others face.

She always called on our conscience, to be considerate, not to demand, not to put others in an uncomfortable situation, to respect others and people. She told us that she did not want us to be a burden, the kind of people that no one can stand, that we should learn to live, that she would not always be there; and she did it all with love.

2 When you do something, do it right

Another great tool in my life, with that lesson my mother taught us not to be mediocre, but also, it has helped me to move forward, thanks to the results of the tasks that have been imposed on me.

But her approach was very particular, her words were something like this: Daughter, if someone asks you to do something, that person is counting on you to really do it and will no longer have that task in mind, he is trusting in you, in your ability; but if you do it badly and, for example, it is a job that someone must deliver to a superior, you will make him look bad and you will defraud his trust. What you do speaks about you and if you do it badly, it hurts you.

I think she knows how to make herself understood.

3 It does not matter what others do, nor what others believe about you, it matters what you do and what you believe about yourself.

This principle left us without excuses to do what we should not do, it was not acceptable to say that we did something because someone else did it, this theory was invalidated with the simple phrase: "So if someone else throws himself off a building, you do it too?

But moreover, with that teaching she allowed us to be ourselves, to have self-respect, to have responsibility for our actions, but moreover, she left in our hands the freedom to decide. She taught us that we are the owners of our actions and responsible for their consequences.

I think my mother has a lot of wisdom, she dedicated herself to take care of us with devotion and tried by all means, that her children were good people, that was a fundamental premise for her, because she would not forgive herself for having brought into the world people who would harm others.

So, I understand that the way I act, my way of seeing the world, a place where I am part of a whole, but I am not everything, my empathy and even my way of thinking, which is sometimes complicated, I learned from her. I am not perfect, but I know I am the best she could make of me.

I thank God for being the daughter of the mother I needed, a perfect one for me.

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Photograph of my property, edited in Power Point.
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