RE: Reflexiones acerca del COVID-19 / Reflections on COVID-19

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Reflexiones acerca del COVID-19 / Reflections on COVID-19

in newvisionlife •  4 years ago  (edited)

Soy de los que sostienen la opinión de que algo está ocurriendo causando la enfermedad, y también que hay una gigantesca conspiración en cuanto a la causa, la prueba y la cura.

He leído y visto tantas mentiras, personas de gran talla en el campo médico censuradas. Creo que la desconexión es que los que se han visto afectados malinterpretan a algunos que sabemos que esto es una conspiración.

Personalmente creo que lo tuve el año pasado. Me dio hacia finales de enero y lo tuve casi todo el mes de febrero. Casi nunca me enfermo, y lo hice durante un mes. Mi respiración era tan mala que tuve que intentar dormir sentado durante el mes. Incluso llamé tres veces a la enfermería, y yo no llamo a la enfermería.

Así que cuando digo que es una conspiración, no estoy insinuando que no esté ocurriendo algo. Digo que han mentido de forma tan evidente y que les han pillado una y otra vez, que utilizan el término "confiar en la ciencia" cuando demuestran que no están utilizando la ciencia, que están impulsando una cura mala conocida que ahora está demostrando ser peor que no tener la llamada cura, etc.

En los últimos días ha salido a la luz que hay más gente que ha sido vacunada que la que no lo ha sido por el CDC.

Ni siquiera voy a entrar en la cura experimental que ha demostrado ser más dañina que lo que se supone que cura.

Me he dado cuenta de que parte de su narrativa nunca incluye tratamientos, como la Ivermectina, o el fortalecimiento del propio sistema inmunológico, o la inmunidad natural de la manada. De hecho, han borrado la idea de la inmunidad natural de la manada de muchos de los sitios en línea de las llamadas instituciones médicas respetadas.

Odio que hayan podido utilizar esto como medio para abrir una brecha entre aquellos como tú y yo. Cuando digo mis verdades sobre esto, nunca es con el espíritu de menospreciar o cuestionar tu experiencia de enfermedad. Siempre se hace desde mi cuestionamiento de sus explicaciones y supuestas respuestas contradictorias y dañinas.

No puedo dejar de ver las mentiras que han cometido, no puedo ignorar las calumnias y afirmaciones de desinformación que hacen contra personas que antes de esto eran consideradas autoridades mundiales. No puedo ser coaccionado a tomar una vacuna mal etiquetada que en sus ensayos demostró ser dañina, y seguir acumulando muertes y lesiones permanentes mientras no se hace nada para detener lo que se supone que ayuda en primer lugar.

Espero que a pesar de que sé lo que veo y he visto, que aquellos que me importan como tú y que pueden no ver esto no lo tomen como ningún tipo de ataque personal contra ti, estos puntos de vista que sostengo como verdad. No son en absoluto una acusación ni una crítica hacia ti, sólo hacia los que dicen ser los expertos que mienten tan abiertamente.

Me alegro de que te encuentres mejor. He echado de menos verte postear y me he preocupado por ti.

I'm one who holds the opinion that something is taking place causing dis-ease, and also that there is a giant conspiracy as to the cause, the test and the cure.

I've read and see so many lies, people of great stature in the medical field censored. I think the disconnect is those who've been affected misunderstand some of us who know this is a conspiracy.

I personally believe I had it last year. I got it towards the end of January and had it almost the entirety of February. I hardly ever get sick, and I was sick for a month. My breathing was so bad, I had to try sleeping sitting up for the month. I even called out sick three times, and I don't call out sick.

So when I say it's a conspiracy, I'm not implying something isn't happening. I'm saying they have lied so obviously and been caught again and again, that they use the term trust the science when demonstrating they are not using the science, that they are pushing a know bad cure that is now showing to be worse than not having the so called cure etc.

It came out the last few days that more people who've been vaccinated are going to the hospital than who haven't been by the CDC.

I won't even go into the experimental cure that has proven to be more harmful than what it's supposed to cure.

I notice that part of their narrative never involves treatments, such as Ivermectin, or building up ones own immune system, or natural herd immunity. In fact, they have scrubbed the idea of natural herd immunity from many of the so called respected medical institutions online sites.

I hate that they have been able to use this as a means to drive a wedge between those like you and I. When I state my truths on this, it is never in the spirit of belittling or questioning your experience of sickness. It is always done out of my questioning their explanations and supposed answers that are contradictory and harmful.

I can't un-see the lies they have committed to, cant ignore the slander and claims of disinformation they make against people who before this were considered world authorities. I can't be coerced into taking a mislabeled vaccine that in its trials showed they were harmful, and continue to rack up deaths and permanent injury while not doing anything to stop what its supposed to help with in the first place.

I'm hopeful that despite my knowing what I see and have seen, that those I care about like yourself who may not see this do not take it as any kind of personal attack against you, these views I hold as truth. They are in no means an indictment nor criticism of you, only of those who claim to be the experts that lie so openly.

I'm glad you are feeling better. I've missed seeing you post, and have worried over you.

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  ·  4 years ago  ·  

I do not include medical treatments, because in part there are many things that are said about covid, in my particular case it was fought with antibiotics and I do not name them precisely so that people do not self-medicate. But it is true that many medications seem to be more effective than vaccines, I know many people who have had adverse reactions, even today my wife told me that one of her coworkers after getting vaccinated has had such bad effects on her body that she does not know if it is better to get vaccinated or not. I can understand each person's point of view. However, the only thing I question is to be told that it does not exist when it is already well known that there is a worldwide condition and many people are suffering from it.

It is true that many have been silenced from the beginning, just look at the doctor who denounced the existence of the virus and was forced to remain silent, he lost his life in the course of time. As well as there are pharmaceutical companies that have suggested other alternative treatments. It is curious that you mention the immune system, partly because the doctor mentioned that this has helped me precisely because my blood test values determined that the immune system was strengthened.

Speaking somewhat of your experience, one of the symptoms I experienced was precisely not being able to breathe well, tiredness or fatigue from doing anything, fever. The x-ray showed an infectious agent attacking the lungs. Currently it is the most similar condition I have noticed in the collective.

Regarding your opinions and input they are always valuable, I would never take them personally, I just see it as two people talking about their life experiences and above all speaking from their beliefs. I appreciate you too much to deviate into an attack situation.

tiredness or fatigue from doing anything

The wave that hit me was before they were talking much about it here in the States. In many discussions with others afterwards, it appears many here also got it January/February before they began fretting over it.

It occurred to me that the many of us who got it during that time was a huge leap towards herd immunity, which is probably why they won't discuss that much.

I read months later about the fatigue, and it's possible i had it as well and misunderstood the cause. My sleep was very broken, sleeping sitting up as I was. For the best part of that month I was feeling horrible, I was only able to snatch small snippets of sleep, never entering a deep sleep. So I attributed my fatigue to the lack of sleep, never considering it might have also been exasperated by the sickness itself.

I'm glad you were able to find a competent doctor. Here, I've distrusted them since childhood. By my early twenties I began referring to them as pharmaceutical pimps. That's a shame about your wifes friend at work. I see so many I know and some I care about taking the shots and it saddens me because they have no idea what they are allowing be done to them. I'm glad you have not succumbed to the pressure. Here they have ramped up the propaganda to levels I've never seen on anything, and are fomenting a civil war between those who have it and those who don't. I'm hopeful that as the adverse affects from the shot mount, coupled with the numbers of those with the shot becoming infected still it will create a backlash that stops their evil agenda.

Do you not think every gov would happily show the proof of an isolated virus from a human?
They have all admitted they have no proof.
So you believe in a virus for which nobody has any proof from a human that hasnt been contaminated with lost of other stuff.
You can buy a virus from another lab - different to "there is no virus" - subtle, but different.
In Wuhan, the lungs were filled with bacterial pneumonia - some strains are quite evil.
Anyway, looks like you were well-treated with plenty of extra tests that didn't just rely on the fake-PCR scam. Just don't take the gene-jab.

  ·  4 years ago  ·  

That is a potential scenario, that they are mixing every possible lung disease into one fakery - and if that is the case, look at it backwards and you'll see there is no good reason to assume ONE CAUSE. There never wasone cause, so they shafted different nations in different ways.

What would a REAL pandemic have looked like? Think about that. Coronas are part of standard blood panel - easy enough to use existing tests. No, this was "new" - so "new" that the chinese removed their virus database, erased some accession numbers that would have identified even their own virus fragments, then put the database back online and, by the magic of malice, it's "new".

In one of the earliest Wuhan papers the lungs were filled with two nasty bacteria - one tiny fragment of a c0vir with an accession number - mmm... which means it wasn't new. Anyway, real open science doesn't convince any of those who are either hypnotised or paralysed into obedience.

The claim is that they created a chimera, a mutant, a synthetic hybrid - with a spike protein that they are now injecting into humans!! it would laughable if it wasn't so criminal.

Anyway, this shit is gonna get worse as the whole graphene oxide angle has exploded. I might explain it in a post. Anyway, expect severe neurological damage and brain damage. So... how does a lung pathogen cause brain damage and strokes and heart attacks?

What else would have happened if this was a real pandemic? Would doctors be fired, harassed and even terminated? Would daring to ask a question be considered an act of terrorism? Where is the open science? When did intelligence get buried?

I've been doing two lines of research - hence the kinda radio silence. Both are horrific. Never mind, it's only a life. A good conscious death awaits a few - I hope not to bump into the sleepwokers in the astral.

You are one of the very few who has had symptoms yet refused to believe the fog of lies.
The non-test PCR has been the synthetic fog.
Also, look carefully how they will only admit a lie by covering it with another bigger lie.
eg PCR is shit, sorry, not our fault.
eg 2 the gene-jab doesnt work, oh well, we'll force you to have another etc etc
The sense of smell has gone from everyone so they can't smell the shit.
