[Eng/Esp] Evening on the river / Tarde en el río

in newvisionlife •  2 years ago 

Evening on the river

Tarde en el río

Good day Blurt

The running of the waters among the thick vegetation is one of the natural themes that I love to capture. The constant movement, evolution and change of forms and speeds on the surfaces make this photographic capture work one of my favorites. I have grown up in areas of rough rivers in the north of my country and I have learned over time, since my childhood, many secrets about these water currents. As life itself I have been trapped and not only myself but other people in these agitated waters full of vital essence, energy, danger and strength.

I have been lucky enough to have learned as a child many teachings that a river leaves behind, legacies of its knowledge and wisdom. I have had some friends who have suffered drowning in them for not paying attention to their words, their gestures or their teachings. There are people who, faced with strong eddies, mouths of water that trap you, or waterfall jumps, leave all their energy trying to battle against them, trying to grope, swim against the current, desperately come out with only one result, get tired and die by drowning.

Digital works made by @oscarps / Obras digitales realizadas por @oscarps





El correr de las aguas entre la vegetación espesa es una de las temáticas naturales que me encantan capturar. El constante movimiento, evolución y cambio de formas y velocidades en las superficies hacen de este trabajo de captura fotográfica uno de mis preferidos. Me he criado en zonas de ríos bravos en el norte de mi país y he aprendido a lo largo del tiempo, desde mi infancia, muchos secretos sobre estas corrientes de agua. Como la vida mismo me he visto atrapado y no solo a mí sino a otras personas en estas aguas agitadas y llenas de esencia vital, energía, peligro y fortaleza.
He tenido la suerte de haber aprendido desde niño muchas enseñanzas que un río deja, legados de su saber y de su sabiduría. He tenido algunos amigos que han padecido ahogados en ellas por no atender sus palabras, sus gestos o sus enseñanzas. Hay personas que ante remolinos fuertes, bocas de agua que te atrapan, o saltos en cascada se dejan todas sus energías intentando batallar contra ellas, intentando manotear, nadar a contra corriente, salir desesperamente con un único resultado, cansarse y morir ahogado.






Today I have spent most of the morning touring the banks of this small but intrepid and wild river. A small friend that contributes its waters to a much larger one naturally, like the veins of the earth carrying the vital essence of life, water. A purpose of collection and reunification that takes life all the way to its death, its mouth and even there, its metaphorical death is to meet its life again, they contribute their content to our oceans to enter a new cycle of evaporation through the atmosphere.




Image ©oscarps. All Rights Reserved.
Original content by @oscarps

P6120310 - copia - copia.jpg

Photographic works made in RAW format.

Images edited and converted to JPG format with Photoshop CC by @oscarps

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