National Loving Day - June 12th

in newvisionlife •  3 years ago 


June 12th, National Loving day is the day to celebrate multiracial marriages. Until June 12th, 1967 there were anti-miscegenation laws in 16 states in America. State laws banned interracial marriages forbidding marriage between two different races.

It wasn't until the Warren court of 1967 that anything was done about these marriage laws. The Warren court consisted of Earl Warren, Hugo L. Black, William O. Douglas, John M. Harlan II, William J. Brennan, Jr., Potter Stewart, Byron R. White, Abe Fortas and Thurgood Marshall.

So here is my story. Twenty something years ago things when I asked my wife to marry me things were not the same way they are now. Her parents were totally against the idea. They were traditional Buddhist Koreans and I was a Christian Westerner asking to marry their daughter. I could totally understand their disapproval but their daughter accepted my proposal^^

When she called them to tell them the news and invite them from their house in the country to talk they were like, "We are going their to tell him no!" And then they met me. At that time I could hardly speak Korean. I basically just knew how to listen and say "Gam-sa-ham-ni-da" thank you. Her father spent a half an hour insulting me and I spent a half an hour saying Gam-sa-ham-ni-da". After that he hugged me and called me "son" in English.


Since then every day has been loving day for us. Immediately her mother-in-law loved me and started making all kinds of kimchi for me. She would go to the mountain to gather leaves and special delicacies and give me whatever she had. Soon after my father-in-law became my best friend.

It was not easy for any of us but imagine if there were laws forbidding inter racial marriage. I think my kids are strong, smarter and more handsome because we have an interracial marriage. Of course, I'm gonna say that because their my kids. They do have the best of both worlds and I'm glad there is no law stopping them from enjoying it.

Although Loving Day is not yet an official holiday we don't have to stop celebrating it. You don't have to kiss the first person you see who is a little different color from you. Try loving the person next to you and then try loving somebody who you normally wouldn't think of loving. Sometimes a smile and a "gam-sa-ham-ni-da" is all you need

Thank you


Look, it's Bon Jovi...
Yada yada yada

Micachu and the Shapes - Curly Teeth
Busking in London

True Love will Find You in the End

Daniel Johnston

Steven Stills - Love the One your With

Sincerely love one person today : D

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