Why we should not invalidate everyone's differences?

in newvisionlife •  3 years ago 


So basically we all came from different races, religion's, tribes, and even countries, so which means we all have lots of differences to each other. It may start from our beliefs, perspectives, preferences, and etc. However there are also some chances that some of us may have one thing in common but it can't be generally.

Anyway, today what am I going to share is my own opinion and thoughts about the differences of our perspectives and preferences.

So as am I am saying, why do we think it should be important to consider our differences? And why we shouldn't invalidate this matter?

For me, it's simply because to avoid unnecessary misunderstanding, and to maintain a good relationship to each other. We should always consider our differences at all aspects, as part of our common way of respect and giving the value for everyone's different personalities.

In terms of preferences and perspectives about our daily life, some of us are very sensitive when it comes to name calling, and most specially on how we wanted to get treated by our fellows. Some of us don't like being called in a sweater way, like calling us/them darling, dear, honey or babe etc. Specifically if the one who's calling us is a stranger or just a colleague.

Well I think all of us may find it awkward, annoying and it can possibly makes us irritated too. Being called by those name's may possibly creates some chaos as well. So if ever you we're a sweet person to almost everyone you meet, please be cautious as the possibility of being misinterpret or being misunderstood by many others, are visible.

So watch your actions if you don't wanna be watch!

As for me, there are also things that makes me uncomfortable and awkward too.

I don't like being called babe by a gentleman😅. I don't like sweet guy -friend. Lol. Calling me babe and yet we don't have any special relationship makes me feel irritated, so you better back off and be cautious with your words. 🙈I don't like being called Ma'am or Madame either, as I am not rich, hahahhaha. Perhaps you can call me Miss or maybe by just my first name. I am good with that.

It is not that I am degrading my self worth, I just have my own comfortable address and that's being called by a simple name.

However there are also people who do not want to be called by any names, as they only want to be called as Madame/Sir. Because for them they are not being respected if someone just call them by their first name. That's why when they experience being called this way, they can't help but be offended.

So it also important to asked the person's permission on how he/she likes us to address them, so they won't misunderstood us in any way. This is a formal way of giving respect to the person whom we never knew.

Furthermore there are also some people who don't think it's a problem being called with any kind of address, [Madame/Sir, Mister/Miss, etc.] as for them it's not a big deal since we have different views in life. They are just being open with any name callings as long as it's not an insult.

It's not that they don't like being professionals, they are just being gentle to everyone. But we shouldn't abuse this kind of kindness, as anyone, perhaps everyone deserves to be respected.

How about you? What do you wanna be called?


All the information contained herein this blog are basically just my own thoughts, opinions and observations as well. It is not my intention to misinterpret anyone's perspectives and preferences in life, as what I have we are all different. I am not encouraging any of my reader's to believe with my word's, as they have their own preferences.

This blog is intended for educational purposes only.

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