Blurt inicia el 2022 con educación | Blurt starts 2022 with education [ESP-ENG]

in newvisionlife •  3 years ago  (edited)

Vamos juntos para la escuela


Aprender en comunidad resulta una gran oportunidad para crear lazos de amistad, conocer a usuarios de otros países y sobre todo para aprender cosas nuevas.

Creadores de contenido

Convertirnos en creadores de contenido, representa una gran responsabilidad, porque cada uno es dueño de lo que escribe y de lo que publica, pero sobre todo que somos parte de un proyecto y que cada uno tiene en sus manos poder hacer la diferencia.

Ser creador de contenido, significa poder ver en cada experiencia una oportunidad para escribir, poder inspirarse de cada paso que damos en nuestra vida diaria, es activar la vena creativa que cada usuario tiene por dentro, porque yo pienso que todos tenemos la capacidad de crear cosas maravillosas.

Ser parte de una comunidad

Formar parte de una comunidad, significa reunir un grupo de personas que les guste escribir al respecto de un tema en común y creen contenido alrededor de todo lo que a este tema respecta, pero además significa conocer y apoyar a otros que lo necesiten, todo basados en el respeto y la equidad.

Crear una comunidad significa, fijar algunas estrategias y objetivos en común acuerdo, pero sobre todo que cada miembro crea y aporte valor a lo que hace en la comunidad.

Formar comunidad en Blurt

Esto significa congregar a usuarios que con o sin conocimiento en como se escribe contenido, puedan unirse y generen contenido de valor, por ello se requiere ayudarlos a ingresar a Blurt.

También representa poder orientarlos a construir el valor de la creación de contenido real y sin generar plagios, y para lograr esto se logra por medio de la educación y compartir conocimiento.

Educar a una comunidad, significa construir bases sólidas para el futuro de la cadena y esto puede ser la diferencia en el crecimiento de una comunidad.


Para iniciar a generar contenido es necesario conocer quien es Blurt y para esto se requiere leer y podemos empezar aquí.

Cuando leemos se activa una parte de nuestro cerebro que nos mantiene atentos y alertas en el aprendizaje. La mente funciona como una gran mochila y mientras leemos vamos grabando palabras en nuestra mente que nos ayudan a escribir, facilitando el proceso creativo. Por ello, leer es un ejercicio muy importante para el cerebro y abre una oportunidad valiosa para producir contenido propio y original.

¿Cómo empezar a producir contenido?

Desde mi experiencia puedo compartir, que se puede comenzar escribiendo una lista de lo que nos gusta escribir, hacer o disfrutar, cuando escribimos de las cosas que nos gusta, las palabras fluyen con mayor facilidad.

Guía sencilla para escribir

-1.- Elabora una lista de ideas de las que te guste escribir.
-2.- Elija un tema, el que más te guste.
-3.- Escribe un borrador, sin orden y sin mucha forma.
-4.- Si no, dominas el tema, entonces toca investigar sobre ese punto y anotar los autores que lean, para hacer las debidas referencias.
-5.- Escribe sin miedos, y atrévase ser un gran creador de contenido.
-6.- Sea cuidadoso con lo que escriba y el manejo de las imagines, coloque las referencias necesarias.
-7.- Revise la estructura para escribir contenido en blog.
-8.- Disfrute de su creación y publique.

Blurt tiene su esencia

Blurt es una cadena de bloques que nace con el interés de ayudar a muchos nuevos usuarios de todo el mundo, con la libertad de compartir contenido sin la restricción de votos negativos, pero esto no significa que los usuarios pueden abusar. Queda para el libre albedrío de las personas hacer lo correcto y este aspecto nos hace diferentes, porque Blurt apuesta por creer en la buena fe de los usuarios y de darle importancia al valor del respeto y la honestidad.

Desde mi manera de ver la esencia de Blurt, está en cada miembro que forma parte de esta gran familia, desde que inicié aquí hace más de un año fue mi sensación y así se ha mantenido.

Yo confío en las comunidades y en todos los seres que vienen y vendrán a unirse a esta cadena donde cada uno forma parte de esta gran familia.

Iniciemos con alegría

Este año será maravilloso y estoy segura vendrán muchas cosas positivas, los invito a todos mover la energía en positivo y ponerse creativos, además, inviten a sus amigos, comparte tus publicaciones Blurt en otras redes sociales y que todos conozcan lo que aquí hacemos. Hagamos de blurt un magnífico lugar, donde todos deseen formar parte.

Para todo los que me leen, les enviamos en nombre de todo el equipo que conforma a Blurt el mejor de los deseos para este año 2022.

Thanks Blurt, I love you all.
Good vibes.

English Version

Let's go to school together


Learning in a community is a great opportunity to create bonds of friendship, meet users from other countries and above all to learn new things.

Content creators

Becoming content creators represents a great responsibility, because each one is the owner of what he writes and what he publishes, but above all that we are part of a project and that each one has in his hands to be able to make a difference.

Being a content creator means being able to see in each experience an opportunity to write, to be inspired by each step we take in our daily life, it is to activate the creative vein that each user has inside, because I think that we all have the ability to create wonderful things.

Be part of a community

Being part of a community means bringing together a group of people who like to write about a common topic and create content around everything that concerns this topic, but it also means meeting and supporting others who need it, all based on in respect and fairness.

Creating a community means setting some strategies and objectives in common agreement, but above all that each member creates and adds value to what he does in the community.

Form a community on Blurt

This means bringing together users who, with or without knowledge of how content is written, can join and generate valuable content, therefore it is required to help them to enter Blurt.

It also represents being able to guide them to build the value of creating real content and without generating plagiarism, and to achieve this is achieved through education and sharing knowledge.

Educating a community means building solid foundations for the future of the chain and this can be the difference in the growth of a community.


To start generating content it is necessary to know who Blurt is and for this it is necessary to read and we can start [here] (

When we read, a part of our brain is activated that keeps us attentive and alert in learning. The mind works like a big backpack and while we read we are recording words in our mind that help us to write, facilitating the creative process. Therefore, reading is a very important exercise for the brain and opens a valuable opportunity to produce your own and original content.

How to start producing content?

From my experience I can share that you can start by writing a list of what we like to write, do or enjoy, when we write about the things we like, the words flow more easily.

Simple guide to writing

-1.- Make a list of ideas that you like to write about.
-2.- Choose a topic, the one you like the most.
-3.- Write a draft, without order and without much form.
-4.- If not, you have mastered the subject, then it is time to investigate on that point and write down the authors they read, to make the proper references.
-5.- Write without fear, and dare to be a great content creator.
-6.- Be careful with what you write and the handling of the images, put the necessary references.
-7.- Review the structure to write blog content.
-8.- Enjoy your creation and publish.

Blurt has its essence

Blurt is a blockchain that was born with the interest of helping many new users around the world, with the freedom to share content without the restriction of negative votes, but this does not mean that users can abuse. It is up to the free will of people to do the right thing and this aspect makes us different, because Blurt is committed to believing in the good faith of users and giving importance to the value of respect and honesty.

From my way of seeing the essence of Blurt, it is in each member that is part of this great family, since I started here more than a year ago it was my feeling and it has remained that way.

I trust the communities and all the beings that come and will come to join this chain where each one is part of this great family.

Let's start with joy

This year will be wonderful and I am sure many positive things will come, I invite you all to move your energy positively and get creative, also, invite your friends, share your Blurt publications on other social networks and let everyone know what we do here. Let's make blurt a great place, where everyone wants to be a part.

For all those who read me, we send you on behalf of the entire team that makes up Blurt our best wishes for this year 2022.

Thanks Blurt, I love you all.
Good vibes.

Imagen: Pixabay
APP: Avatoon


En mis publicaciones estoy dejando un boleto especial para participar en el PUB de unos buenos amigos aquí en En Blurt .

In my publications, I am leaving a special ticket to participate in the pub of some good friends here in in blurt .

Toma tu boleto de Entrada para el PUB todos los domingos

Esta entrada si la deseas debes compartir un comentario en esta publicación y participar los domingos en el PUB, para hacer amigos, conocer de actividades que se hacen en Blurt y en otras redes y estar dispuesto a pasar un momento diferente entre amigos.

Te comparto aquí el PUB de esta semana, para que leas de que se trata:

Take your ticket for the pub every Sunday

This entry If you want to share a comment on this publication and participate on Sundays in the pub, to make friends, know about activities that are made in Blurt and in other networks, and be willing to spend a different moment between friends.

I share this week's pub here, so you can read that it is: 2021-KW 51 ~ Kneipe 24/7 ~ Treffpunkt ~ Dauer-Kneipe ~ Ohne Zusammenhang / Without Any Context ~ [GER/ENG]


  • Historia original // Original story

Blurt eres tú, soy yo, blurt somos todos // Blurt is you, it is me, blurt we are all

Que nadie apague tu luz interior // Let no one turn off your inner light

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Honestly I'm not the type of person who likes to write, I don't know how to write the correct format, I try to improve the writing format in each of my posts. But sometimes the ideas that are in my mind are not channeled properly in the writing of my posts. Now I will try to fix it with a writing format like you described above. Thanks for the knowledge. Your post really helped me.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

That usually happens, I do not think it's about what you do not know how to write, but you lack a certain order.
I'm going to share a simple technique that I learned at school.
You can start like this, then you have precise what you want to write, start with the following:
1.- General Introduction: It is a general idea of what you are going to talk about.
2.- Development The point: In this section you can talk more from the point you want to deal with in the publication, if you find it difficult to put together the idea, divide it into parts and add subtitles.
3.- Close, with a contribution or reflection of the issue of the publication. You can also leave the open interest to continue with another.
I hope these simple steps can be used for support.
Any questions, here we will be at #Blurtschool.
Good vibes.

I will try to implement what you describe, I have to try harder to improve my writing format, Thank you very much for the help and support. You are a very good person, and friendly may your kindness be rewarded by God.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hi @angelica7. Myself and a few other blurters have recently launched blurttradinghub where we teach blurters about crypto and trading. I think this project has great potential and can contribute immensely to blurt’s growth. Maybe if you could mention our project in your posts, that will really help give us exposure and help us reach a lot of people interested in learning crypto.

At the moment, we have about 4 courses running by the lecturers and we would appreciate some help in terms of curation too to help us(lecturers) and students keep this project booming😊

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Oh! That interesting work, I am glad to know that it is shared by Blurt's education regarding the world of Crypto-coins. Share in the comments any of the publications you have active and I will gladly read it.
Good vibes.

  ·  3 years ago  ·

This is one of the courses we have authored this week. Like I mentioned, we’re just starting out this week.

A great class I think the way you are giving blurt tattoos will be much more helpful for a new user or for us. I don't think so

It's awesome I like it a lot

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you, I'm glad you like it.
Good vibes.

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell-curate. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by @abiga554

logo3 Discord.png

Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Gracias por el apoyo.
Buena vibra.

There we had the same idea and you were faster and yet our amounts are different. That's great about the Blurtschool.



  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hello dear friend, when we are all thinking about the good of blurt it is common that some ideas are mixed, but you can also do it, the more we multiply the correct use of the platform, we can reach more users on Blurt. Good vibes.

Really excellent post!
You have explained the topic nicely.
I always like to enjoy your posts!
This post tells about your writing skills.
This post reflects your love for all content creators, specially newbies!

Thanks mam for this awesome post!