Blurt In Love | Blurt Enamorado [ENG-ESP]

in newvisionlife •  3 years ago  (edited)

Dedicate a post to a special person on Blurt


Blurt is good vibes

This phrase accompanies me since I arrived here at Blurt, I remember that they were just beginning with the publication tests and everyone had to contribute, at that time there were people who are not with us today, but who contributed valuable ideas at the time.

Since my beginnings on this platform "good vibes" has been my signature and it is what I share on Blurt, with the new and not so new as well, I have learned many things, but I still have a lot to learn. I have always thought that leaving content in an immutable way on a platform like this is a great commitment, because here each one leaves their contribution and mark for others.

Due to the importance and value that Blurt has for me, I would like to invite you to participate in an activity that occurred to me a few days ago, and I shared on the discord, but it is necessary to make the publication so that it has a greater view.

Blurt in love

It is an initiative from which I am very excited to share, drifting from the idea of being able to write to a special being here in Blurt your feelings, but you should not necessarily be in love, you can also express your admiration and respect for what he does in Blurt , because you simply want to know that user a little more or even an external person to the chain you wish to invite, it will be wonderful to have new users invited by means of a personal letter dedicated to them. With these letters (publications) I hope that a wave of positive motivation can be generated that encourages users to know that if they read them, they are leaving a mark on others and that they are valued.

Write a letter dedicated to someone special

This is an initiative, it is not a contest, it is not mandatory either, it is just an idea that you want to inspire others to write content full of good energy and dedicated to a special being, you can make the cards you want, the intention is to release as many good wishes that it manages to make the entire blockchain vibrate positively in Blurt.

How nice it is to know that a person known or not can dedicate a special letter to you, it's like writing in a time tunnel where at some time, place and space you can meet in reading and share energy.

Month of love

Let's take the opportunity to celebrate the month of love and share good energy for others, help as much as possible, be thankful for being alive, invite your friends to meet Blurt and tell them what we share here.

Let's celebrate the month of love, feeling love for ourselves and for others.

Do you strip the daisy?

Do you have any love that you consider impossible? Do you have a love to whom you want to dedicate a few lines? Do you have a Blurt user that you admire? So what better way than to do it by dedicating a publication to it.

Do not leave chance to meet a special being or to come to you by surprise and meet you, plucking the daisy

Do not stay only with:

  • loves me,
  • he doesn't love me
  • loves me
  • he doesn't love me

Take action, write your best dedication and dare to express your feelings.
As always my intention is to move the positive energy in the chain and if I can encourage you to write new content for Blurt in a creative way then that will be wonderful

I hope you can share your letter in the comments, in order to give you some love, I hope that some friends can join in collaborating with me by sharing love, remember to comply with what is required with a good publication.

Let's get to work and let's fill Blurt with love.
Thanks Blurt, I love you all.
Good vibes.

Dedica una publicación a una persona especial en Blurt


Blurt es buena vibra

Esta frase me acompaña desde que llegué aquí a Blurt, recuerdo que apenas empezaban con las pruebas de publicaciones y todos tenían que aportar, para ese entonces había personas que hoy no se encuentran con nosotros, pero que para su momento aportaron ideas valiosas.

Desde mis inicios en esta plataforma "la buena vibra" ha sido mi firma y es lo que comparto en Blurt, con los nuevos y no tan nuevos también, he aprendido muchas cosas, pero aún me falta mucho por aprender. Siempre he pensado que dejar contenido de forma inmutable en una plataforma como esta, es un gran compromiso, porque aquí cada uno deja su aporte y huella para otros.

Por la importancia y el valor que Blurt tiene para mí, deseo invitarlos a participar en una actividad que se me ocurrió hace algunos días y compartí en el discord, pero es necesario hacer la publicación para que tenga mayor vista.

Blurt enamorado

Es una iniciativa de la cual me encuentro muy emocionada en compartir, deriva de la idea de poder escribirle a un ser especial aquí en blurt tus sentimientos, pero no necesariamente debes estar enamorado, también puedes expresarle tu admiración y respeto por lo que hace en Blurt o porque simplemente desea conocer un poco más a ese usuario o incluso a una persona externa a la cadena que desees invitar, será maravilloso tener nuevos usuarios invitados por medios de una carta personal dedicada a ellos. Con estas cartas (publicaciones) espero que se pueda generar una ola de motivación positiva que aliente a los usuarios a conocer que si los leen, que están dejando una huella en otros y que son valorados.

Escribe una carta dedicada a un ser especial

Esta es una iniciativa, no es un concurso, tampoco es obligatorio, solo es una idea que desea inspirar a otros a escribir contenido lleno de buena energía y dedicado a un ser especial, puedes hacer las cartas que desees, la intención es liberar tantos buenos deseos que logre hacer vibrar en positivo a toda a cadena de bloques en Blurt.

Qué lindo es saber, que una persona conocida o no pueda dedicarte una carta especial, es como escribir en un túnel del tiempo donde en algún momento, lugar y espacio puedan encontrarse en la lectura y compartir energía.

Mes del amor

Aprovechemos a celebrar el mes del amor y comparte buena energía por otros, ayuda en la medida de lo posible, agradece por el hecho de estar vivo, invita a tus amigos a conocer a Blurt y cuéntales lo que aquí compartimos.

Vamos a celebrar el mes del amor, sintiendo amor por nosotros mismos y por otros.

¿Deshojas la margarita?

¿Tienes algún amor que consideres es imposible? , ¿algún amor a quién desees dedicarle unas líneas?, ¿tienes a algún usuario en Blurt que admires? Entonces que mejor forma que hacerlo dedicándole una publicación.

No dejes al azar conocer a un ser especial o que llegue por sorpresa a ti y te conozca, deshojando la margarita

No te quedes solamente con:

  • me quiere,
  • no me quiere
  • me quiere
  • no me quiere

Toma acción, escribe tu mejor dedicatoria y atrévete a expresar tus sentimientos.
Como siempre mi intención es mover la energía en positivo en la cadena y si puedo animarte a escribir contenido nuevo para Blurt de forma creativa entonces será maravilloso

Espero que puedas compartir en los comentarios tu carta, para poder darte algo de amor, espero que algunos amigos puedan unirse a colaborar conmigo compartiendo amor, recuerda cumplir con lo requerido con una buena publicación.

Manos a la obra y vamos a llenar a Blurt de amor.

Thanks Blurt, I love you all.
Good vibes.

Special note: It can also be a video, a drawing or any expression of art, but you must also add content to your publication, for example, what inspired you to make that work and dedicate it, among other things that you want to share to that special being.

Nota especial: También puede ser un video, un dibujo o cualquier expresión del arte, pero debes agregar también contenido a tu publicación, por ejemplo, lo que te inspiró a realizar esa obra y dedicarla, entre otras cosas que desees compartir a ese ser especial.

  • Historia original // Original story
  • Imagen y edición: Canva y GYMP

Blurt eres tú, soy yo, blurt somos todos // Blurt is you, it is me, blurt we are all

Que nadie apague tu luz interior // Let no one turn off your inner light

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Hola Angélica, siempre con ideas tan buenas y productivas. Para conectarnos con buena energía y, por supuesto, buena vibra. En estos días tan propicios del amor y la amistad.

Aunque no interactúo mucho, he visto durante bastante tiempo a algunos de los que están en esta valiosa #blockchain. Así que voy a buscar inspiración. Esto además me permitirá conocerlos más.

Muchas gracias por esta iniciativa.

Y por es buena vibra que siempre nos transmites

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Gracias por tus palabras, las recibo con beneplácito porque sé que entiendes la relación con la buena energía y la fuerza de construir una comunidad alegre.
Estaré feliz de leer tu participación.
Buena vibra.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I thankful to you for choosing of topic in the contest for @tariqueshafique.
I solute your creativity topic.
So I request you to visit my blog and encourage me.
Click the following link, please!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Very interesting and motivating post. As I said in my previous, one of that inspires me on Blurt is you. Especially through the posts you share. This article is an example.

Since I first found the link of your post in the comments section of my self-introduction post shared by @blurtafrica under the title "Social Etiquette and How to Succeed on Blurt," I immediately followed you and read some of the other posts on your blog. And it continues until now.

Regarding special letters to special people, both on Blurt and in real life, I think I should make a special post about it. Actually I also had time to think about this, just with a different topic, but still with the theme of love and this post reminds me of that idea again. Thank you very much. May you always be healthy.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

How kind you are, I receive your words with joy, I hope you are also well and that joy accompanies you.
I will be happy to read your publication, and it would also be great if you could refer to this publication so that others who read you may have the information and maybe you also like to join to make a great love chain in Blurt.
Good vibes.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

With pleasure, I will refer to this publication. It's a joy to be able to spread positivity to one another.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

That is the intention contagious of joy and love to all, thank you for joining this mission so beautiful, by blurt.

Hola Angelica, creo que todos al leer la frase "buena vibra" te recordamos :), eres una de las primeras personas con las que interactué al llegar a Blurt y siempre estás dispuesta a ofrecer ayuda a todo el que la necesite. Así que un abrazo lleno ve buena vibra para ti y sigue siempre presente :)

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Gracias por querida Vicky, yo te recuerdo cuando hacía los programas para los nuevos siempre aprendiendo cosas nuevas, tanto que ahora eres una hermosa testigo, lo cual me hace muy feliz.
Valoro tus comentarios y el cariño, que es recíproco.
Un gran abrazote lleno de buena vibra.😀

This is a nice initiative and it's coming at a good time. It's the month of love after all.

My dedication would be going to team Blurt as a whole for running such a space where people can express themselves as they want, create valuable connection, nurture their writing skills and also stand a chance of earning from their onchain activities.

I can only be here because of the existence of a nice place like this and I know that more great things would be happening to everyone that is part of this Blurt Community.

Since I'm just starting this project, I can't direct my dedication to anyone in particular. Nonetheless, it's still nice to be part of blurt.

Thanks @angelica7 for this nice initiative.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You just gave me a great idea, you can not only share a letter to some user on Blurt, but to someone you want to express good wishes to, it can be a person outside of Blurt who you share the link to and you can even invite to join to Blurt, it would be a great contribution, that a letter of love and good energy brings more users as a guest.
Good vibes.

Esta es una excelente iniciativa, me encanta porque en estos momentos creo que se está atravesando por un momento difícil como sociedad y es necesario generar esas buenas energías para contagiar a los demás.

Conozco varias personas en la plataforma que pese a las circunstancias adversas están tratando cada día para hacer un mejor contenido, especialmente la persona que me motivó a estar acá, así que sin duda alguna voy a participar con una dedicatoria para él.

Espero que te encuentres bien, saludos.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Será genial poder leer todo la buena energía que deseas compartir. Si deseas haces referencia a esta publicación, además de compartir aquí para poder leerte. Me alegra que te puedas unir para hacer una gran cadena de amor.
Buena vibra.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you my beautiful, Luna sends you thanks.
Much love at Blurt, to you and everyone.
Good vibes.

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you my beautiful, Luna sends you thanks.
Much love at Blurt, to you and everyone.
Good vibes.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Presente por aquí. A los tiempos, Angelica... Eres de las primeras personas con quien comencé a conversar en Discord (y antes de la existencia del covid a nivel global), aunque por razones de salud y situaciones que se me escapan de las mano, no podía seguir conectandome. Éxito en las metas que te propongas.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Si, te recuerdo bienvenido a Blurt, espero que puedas mantenerte activo.
Un abrazo y buena vibra.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Wow, this is a really interesting post. I can feel love from this post. And you also remind me how lucky I am, to have someone who loves me like I love him.

You really encourage me to do something for people that I love. Thank you :).

Hope you have a great day!

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I love knowing that you have who loves you because love is a wonderful feeling, I am sure that your dedicated letter will be great.
Welcome to the Blurt family.
Good vibes.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Gracias por compartir tu publicación en #Blurt. Tu esfuerzo significa mucho para nosotros; por eso has recibido un voto positivo.

Te invito a votar por @blurtlatam como Testigo / Witness



Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Gracias por el cariño y el apoyo.
Buena vibra.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Gracias por el cariño y el apoyo.
Buena vibra.

Congratulations, your post has been curated by @r2cornell-curate. Also, find us on Discord

Manually curated by @abiga554

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Felicitaciones, su publication ha sido votado por @r2cornell-curate. También, encuéntranos en Discord

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Gracias a este equipo maravilloso.
Buena vibra.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Only lines can be dedicated?:) How about other forms of art, drawing for example?:)

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

You can also dedicate an art that you have designed with Blurt as the protagonist, and even write a dedication with your drawing, what inspired it and why, it will be very interesting to see your creation.
The most important thing is that it is a content created in Blurt and it is not repeated, I think it is a beautiful way to create our own footprint.
Good vibes.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

My wife and I celebrate the month of love in October. We got married that month. We are very happy so far. Is @angelica7 happy right now?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Yes, I am happy thank God. I am glad to know that you not only celebrate the anniversary month, but you can celebrate every month.
Write a letter to your wife, here at Blurt and referencing this post, to lovingly hug everyone from Blurt to the world.
Good vibes.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

According to the advice @angelica7. I already made the post. How to refer to this post, what do you mean?

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

When I say to refer to this publication, it is for example in this way.
Me one to participate in the initiative, (x) which can find here in this publication.
It may be as well as this example or simply share the address of this publication to invite others to participate and if they participate because they saw your publication they can also make that reference to know about that information chain.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Good sister @angelica7. I feel like I'm on Blurt long term. In the future I will follow according to sister @angelica7's advice

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Now I'm writing a moment about me and my wife. I will post soon.

We rarely upload photos to social media.

So I'm going to upload a moment of the two of us Blurt.

Great post

Esta publicación ha recibido el voto de @blurthispano.
Te invitamos a usar el tag #blurthispano. Nos puedes encontrar en Discord.

Curado manualmente por Geeklania.

Te invitamos a votar por @blurthispano como Witness.

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Gracias mi gente linda, los abrazo desde la distancia.
Buena vibra.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Gracias mi gente linda, los abrazo desde la distancia.
Buena vibra.

Hello @angelica7
Thank you for sharing such great content!
Use #blurtconnect tag to get more upvotes from usBlurt to the moon 🌕You can delegate any amount of Blurt power to @blurtconnect-ng
This post has been upvoted manually by @chibuzorwisdomblurtconnect.gifPlease help support this curation account.

Also, keep in touch with Blurtconnect-ng family on Telegram and Whatsapp

Posted from

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thank you 😊😊