The Media Just Can't Stop Fabricating Fake Racism Stories

in news •  10 months ago 

The latest racist hoax has been exposed and yet have the people learned? It seems as though the media is desperate for a story as they are pushing hoax after hoax. It seems as though racism is so prevalent that the mainstream media needs to fabricate racist events out of thin air. It is what it is...


The latest situation has hit the public and people are very upset. Deadspin, a second-rate ESPN news channel, is under the limelight for trying to push a hoax as fact. Of course, with no shame, the pathetic author, Carron J. Phillips, is downplaying his lies and justifying his poor reporting in trying to disparage a "white boy" for wearing "blackface" at an American Football game.

In his pathetic attempt, he didn't even bother to do any research at all, instead, he just pushed a fake story about a kid being racist at a sporting event. Luckily, this hoax was exposed before anybody was seriously hurt by his garbage propaganda.

Luckily Carron J. Phillips was exposed for not only being a lying propagandist but also a garbage journalist. Nobody should take his "reporting" seriously after this embarrassment. The man accused a child of being racist wearing blackface and disrespecting indigenous people... The problem here is that the "white boy" is indigenous and was wearing war paint, paying homage to indigenous warriors and the team that also wears the war paint. The shameful part of this is trying to portray wearing war paint as being a racist. That's completely insane.

This situation is yet another reminder of why we should boycott mainstream media and support trustworthy alternatives. Let's ignore these fringe and radical activists.

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It's what happens when we assume.


"We make an ass out U and Me"

Posted from

I agree with the article and would like to further respond with the following comments.

In reference to "Fake News" I believe in freedom of the press and those posting "Fake News" should have a right to do so under the First Amendment. We as citizens can stop this by voting with our fingers and pocketbook. We should identify and boycott ALL fake news sources and seek out those sources of real news. By doing so the advertising revenues will decline for all media types who continue to Lie to the people.

I think its funny that many people are wannabe Indians and claim Indian blood. Many of us card carrying tribal members including myself have days when even we don't want to be Indians. Below is an image of my Warrior blanket given to me by the Chief in recognition of my service in Vietnam.
