Tbh i never researched much into astrology but more into astronomy. I do concur that energy from the cosmos effects us and thus effects our decicions.
You can say im Capricorn. Born on jan 6, 91. Grew up basically on farm life principles but with access to the library. Yes I was a High School dropout with that arena going nowhere. Failed every class after the 9th grade because I stopped doing mich of anything in school. I didn't believe in their system. Still don't. Its a scam.
A total scam...
Yes well , i do base on geocentric view ... and i see it as a vibration
Nothing to do with astronomy as we see it with nasa
I'll jeep an open mind about this.
Starting my serious study hour time with this:
Now i am wondering , are you into astro , gnotism or hermetism ?
Or all..
Todo me interesa.
I want to know a bit about everything.
Somethings I take more seriously and deep dive into and I take my own route in how to get studying, apart from, someone telling me where to start. Essentially, I go about it my own way.
It is the best