New moon in scorpio eng/ span

in astrology •  10 months ago 

Good morning :)


For our NEW MOON IN SCORPIO few days ago


The new moon in Scorpio changes the structure of our being, it redefines our vision of ourselves, very positive in many aspects and will direct the new force which will take place at the end of December when Uranus returns direct to Taurus.
We will see a change in cryptos , possibly a pump as it is in a positive aspect with Capricorn, the astro sign of BTC.
Who needs Uranus force and power to punch through the bearmarket and show different reality of cryptos economy.
People want to be more and more free/independant in their relationships and life in general , economicly is an important part as we all want to live a better life and assume time is short ( after covid propaganda ).
That new moon after the eclipses marks a point of huge internal changes.


The water signs :
Scorpio / Cancer / Pisces
Earth signs :
Taurus / Capricorn / Virgo

We ll have a deeper change

Mars conjunct the new moon in Scorpio will give more depth in our thoughts
Opposite URANUS shows a change we cant escape and for the better.
Uranus represents the futur and technology .


Para nuestra LUNA NUEVA EN ESCORPIO hace unos días

La luna nueva en Escorpio cambia la estructura de nuestro ser, redefine nuestra visión de nosotros mismos, muy positiva en muchos aspectos y dirigirá la nueva fuerza que se producirá a finales de diciembre cuando Urano regrese directo a Tauro.
Veremos un cambio en las criptomonedas, posiblemente un bombeo ya que está en un aspecto positivo con Capricornio, el signo astro de BTC.
¿Quién necesita la fuerza y ​​el poder de Urano para atravesar el mercado bajista y mostrar una realidad diferente de la economía de las criptomonedas?
La gente quiere ser cada vez más libre/independiente en sus relaciones y en la vida en general, la economía es una parte importante ya que todos queremos vivir una vida mejor y asumimos que el tiempo es corto (después de la propaganda de Covid).
Esa luna nueva después de los eclipses marca un punto de enormes cambios internos.


Los signos de agua:
Escorpio / Cáncer / Piscis
Signos de tierra:
Tauro / Capricornio / Virgo

Tendremos un cambio más profundo

Marte en conjunción con la luna nueva en Escorpio dará más profundidad a nuestros pensamientos
Enfrente de URANO muestra un cambio del que no podemos escapar y para mejor.
Urano representa el futuro y la tecnología.


Much love opidia

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Tbh i never researched much into astrology but more into astronomy. I do concur that energy from the cosmos effects us and thus effects our decicions.

You can say im Capricorn. Born on jan 6, 91. Grew up basically on farm life principles but with access to the library. Yes I was a High School dropout with that arena going nowhere. Failed every class after the 9th grade because I stopped doing mich of anything in school. I didn't believe in their system. Still don't. Its a scam.

Posted from

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

A total scam...

Yes well , i do base on geocentric view ... and i see it as a vibration
Nothing to do with astronomy as we see it with nasa

Posted from

I'll jeep an open mind about this.
Starting my serious study hour time with this:

Posted from

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

Now i am wondering , are you into astro , gnotism or hermetism ?
Or all..

Posted from

Todo me interesa.
I want to know a bit about everything.

Somethings I take more seriously and deep dive into and I take my own route in how to get studying, apart from, someone telling me where to start. Essentially, I go about it my own way.

Posted from

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

It is the best

Posted from

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

Who needs Uranus force and power to punch through the bearmarket and show different reality of cryptos economy.
People want to be more and more free/independant in their relationships and life in general ,

The paradox of DPoS - it being digital feudalism and authoritarianism...

Crypto as we know it is dead n the water (even btc - simply a liquidity trap to prevent gold prices rising).

Crypto has a great future- but not in the way it's currently set up.

It needs to be anchored in the real physical world, not the conceptual plaything of introverted nerds with a talent for coding, and zero concept of how healthy human relationships work.

In my opinion DPoS, and POS with collapse first, with POW crypto's following soon after - BUT ONLY after a pump in btc price, maybe after the halving, but no later than 2025. (this is called 'a suckers rally').

DPoS is not needed for 99.99% for any of the information that we see put on these blockchains....
The lelgal implications of property right is another issue entirely.
One you put YOUR copyrighted information on the blockchain, oyu no longer have full control over it. It can't be erased, for example, even if oyu want it to be.
That means your copyright means nothing - it is no longer your property, to do with as YOU wish - Even if you delete a post, the text is on the chain - the blockchain has it.
This is both good and bad of course - but that has nothing to do with your copyright ownership, over your own material...

Posted from

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

Indeed , once it is in blockchain ..unless the blockchain disappear ? But not even because the main steemit must have every infos .
We had a fake bullrun so yes 2025 will be an interesting one and not like we imagine.. the SEC is bringing the agenda closer to goal.
Binance and all exchanges are only conscious players of the whole scheme.

Posted from

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

Indeed , once it is in blockchain ..unless the blockchain disappear ? But not even because the main steemit must have every infos .

Serious 'copyright and ownership, legality issues'....

We had a fake bullrun so yes 2025 will be an interesting one and not like we imagine.. the SEC is bringing the agenda closer to goal.

I imagine the 90% collapse (if not more) of most crpyo's, after the 2024 elections in the US.
Crypto is a tiny, tiny_ part of a much bigger game.

Posted from

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

I agree

Posted from

Love those astrology readings :-)

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

My pleasure to share them

Posted from

Awesome. Will be nice to see some cryptos moving back up. Especially Blurt .

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

It will

Posted from

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

Upvoted. Thank You for sending some of your rewards to @null. Read my last post to make sure that BLURT burning is profitable for you. Learn how to get more upvotes

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

Thanks ! Always 100%

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  ·  10 months ago  ·   (edited)

I am happy to see my zodiac sign mentioned, pisces. I was seeking for more info about it. I hope something good awaits for a pisces like me.

Anyways, I hope that bull market that we are all waiting will come the soonest.🙏♥️

  ·  10 months ago  ·  

What is your ascendant ?

Posted from

Is it some kind of traits?