Tourist Attractions in Langkat

in nature •  3 years ago 




Langkat is one of the regencies in North Sumatra (Sumut) which has quite a lot of natural tourism. The Pamah View tourist location in Pamah Semelir Hamlet, Telagah Village, Sei Bingai, Langkat Regency is crowded on weekends.

Visitors who come from Binjai City can take it by motorbike. Travel time is more than 1 hour with a distance of 46 kilometers from Rambutan City. The signpost to Pamah View can be seen on Jalan Lintas Binjai-Telagah.

To get to the location, tourists must walk approximately 1 kilometer from the Langkat-Karo alternative road. Unfortunately, the road that climbs to the top is not in smooth condition. Lots of rocks along the small path to Pamah View. Even though the access is not only to Pamah View.

There is also a tourist spot for Sawah Sleeping, which was met at the beginning, before meeting Pamah View. Arriving there, the feeling of tiredness on the way will certainly pay off.

Visitors who are carried away by the cool air, want to rush into the pool with green water. Before becoming a tourist spot, this 6-hectare location wanted to make a field for gardening and planting onions in 2019.

Bat Cave, which is located in Bukit Lawang, Bahorok, Langkat Regency, is an exciting jungle roaming tourist destination that can be skipped by tourists. The tourist area is located within the Gunung Leuser National Park (TNGL). This makes Bukit Lawang still has a beautiful nature and environment.

Bat Cave is located not so far from the entrance of Bukit Lawang. You only need to walk about 15 minutes to reach it. The journey can be continued on foot.

The beautiful view of the residents' oil palm plantations is a separate tourist background to be enjoyed along the way to the cave. The distance from the river bank to the cave is about 3 km. To get to this location, of course, hookers will help so that tourists don't get lost.

Inside this cave, contains thousands of bats. Because of the large number of bats, this cave is nicknamed its inhabitants. In a dark cave, visitors must bring a flashlight, because it is dark. In addition to seeing bats, this cave also offers an interesting view of the inside of the cave.

You will see several large stalactites that have been formed hundreds of years ago. Because very minimal sunlight illuminates the cave, then the cold temperature will be felt in it. If you only wear ordinary clothes, you will be cold and cannot enjoy the beautiful atmosphere.

Parachute jackets are suitable to wear. Jackets that are waterproof are better because Goa Kampret is quite humid. The floor of the cave is very muddy and slippery. It's best to wear rubber shoes that have a non-slip base so you don't slip.

Namu Belanga Waterfall, which is located in Rumah Galuh Village, Sei Bingai District, Langkat Regency, is a prime location for tourists. Langkat Regency does have a million charms and stunning natural beauty. In this area, tourists can choose tourist locations according to their wishes.

In this place, the majority of forest and river tourism sites are offered. Stunning and tempting panoramas, that's the word that deserves to be pinned on this tourist attraction. The flow of water that is not too heavy, with a treat that is so clear like glass will invite you to jump in and enjoy its freshness.

Sangking clear, tourists can see directly the bottom of the river. The surrounding rock walls overgrown with moss also add to the beauty. From the riverside cliff, visitors can jump into the calm water surface.

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