What will the earth and humans be like in the next 100 years?

in nature •  3 years ago 


Friends, have you ever imagined what the earth will be like in the next 100 years?
What will earth look like in the next 100 years? Experts predict that the Earth will turn into an alien world that cannot be recognized in that time. Scientists have seen more than 500 ancient climate records.

From there, they concluded the current climate change is comparable to what Earth went through when the last ice age. In addition, seismic shifts in biodiversity are likely to return.

At the end of the Last Ice Age, our home planet was warming between four and seven degrees Celsius higher. That makes the ice sheet that covers much of North America, Asia, and Northern Europe melt.

Over the next 10,000 years, an entirely new ecosystem emerged and evolved into what we see today. In another scenario, scientists predict if greenhouse gas emissions continue then our planet will warm by about 4 degrees Celsius by 2100.

The predictions were published in the journal Science.
The international team of researchers looked at hundreds of paleontological records of how terrestrial ecosystems responded to climate change about 20,000 years ago.

The study was conducted to see how the Earth is adjusting to similar warming that occurs in the next 100 to 150 years. As a result, they found that if there is no major reduction in greenhouse gas emissions, terrestrial ecosystems around the world are at risk of a "major transformation".

"Terrestrial vegetation across the planet is at great risk of major compositional and structural changes in the absence of greatly reduced (greenhouse gas) emissions," the researchers wrote.

"Most of these changes can occur during the 21st century, especially where vegetation disturbances are accelerated or amplified by human impacts."
They also confirm that many new ecosystems are emerging.

However, the bad impact is that many ecosystems are also lost.
Jonathan Overpeck, co-author of the study, said there would be a major bounce effect that ultimately threatened water and food safety.

"If we let climate change get out of hand, the vegetation of the planet would look completely different from now. That means there are major risks to the diversity of the planet,"

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