The beauty of small dragonfly entry #2

in nature •  3 years ago 



hello blurt friends, today I am very happy because I can post again on blurt, so here I will post some photos of bees that I managed to take this morning. so this morning I was looking for content to post on blurt, so I went to the forest in my village to look for some objects that I would photograph, when I arrived in the forest I saw some very beautiful small daragonfly and I immediately took my camera to take a picture of the small dragonfly




The Beauty of dragonfly
mursalin7 in blurt • 6 days ago


hello blurt friends, today I am very happy because I can post again on blurt, so here I will post some photos of bees that I managed to take this morning. so this morning I was looking for content to post on blurt, so I went to the forest in my village to look for some objects that I would photograph, when I arrived in the forest I saw some very beautiful daragonfly and I immediately took my camera to take a picture of the dragonfly


Dragonfly is one of the ancient insects. Dragonflies have been on Earth for 300 million years. The largest dragonfly fossil ever found has a wingspan of up to 3 meters.

Dragonflies are seen as beautiful creatures that love to fly near water. Apparently, dragonflies are ferocious predators that have sharp jaws.



Dragonfly taxonomy

Dragonfly was first studied taxonomy by a scientist from Denmark, namely Johann Christian Fabricius. He is best known for frequently researching the taxonomy of insects based on the shape of their mouths.

Dragonflies are included in the order "Odonata". Odonata means tooth. This term refers to the strong tooth structure in the dragonfly mandible.

In Indonesia, there are two sub-orders, namely the sub-order Zygoptera and Anisoptera. Anisoptera has a larger size than Zygoptera.

dragonfly body

The dragonfly body has several unique features. The head of the dragonfly is almost entirely the eye. Dragonflies have a viewing angle of almost 360 degrees. What dragonflies can't see is what's right behind them.

Maybe you are also wondering how old the dragonfly is. Apparently, in its early stages as larvae, dragonflies can live underwater for up to 2 years. However, after becoming an adult dragonfly, its lifespan is very short, which is only 7 to 56 days.

Benefits of dragonflies

Dragonfly life cycle requires water and plants. In the early stages of life, dragonflies live as larvae in the water. Once mature, the dragonfly will fly into the air.

In both larval and adult forms, dragonflies are predators that prey on animals smaller than themselves. In the form of larvae, dragonflies prey on mosquito larvae and insect larvae. As adults, dragonflies prey on mosquitoes and small insects that can be harmful.

Reporting from the Research and Development Ministry of Health, the more dragonflies that live in an area, then it shows a clean environment. In addition, it shows that the water in the environment is clean and pollution-free.

Camera Canon
Lens Canon MP-E 65mm 1-5x Macro Lens
Photography bees
Location Indonesia
Photographer @mursalin7

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