Pre-Spring Potatoes Rising From The Ground!

in nature •  last year 

The potatoes I've planted out in the backyard garden look very healthy! Things are looking good, but some of the other potatoes are taking their sweet time.


A little over a month ago, I planted some chopped-up potatoes in a garden space in the back, and two of the four potatoes I planted are green and growing. The other two potatoes seem to be taking their time or they were eaten by insects and bacteria. I did dig down to see if there were any roots of the potato plants, and I did feel one and saw the tuber, so I'm guessing one of them is a late bloomer. The other tuber I could not see or feel. So far, three of the four have been successfully 'germinated'.

I'm looking forward to seeing what the results are with these potatoes, but the ultimate goal isn't to get more seed potatoes instead I want to harvest the potatoes True Seeds from the berries. This will be the first time I attempt to harvest True Seed Potatoes, so hopefully, the growing season will let them create flowers so they can be pollinated. We shall see in the next few weeks.

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