First Time Raising Venus Fly Traps

in nature •  last year 

Earlier in the week, I got the crazy idea that I wanted to buy some Venus Fly Traps. I noticed at Walmart that they sold Venus Fly Traps almost a month ago. I knew they were selling them but didn't think of keeping one until recently.


I think these Venus Fly Traps were sold for around $5 to $6, which seems to be quite expensive. This is the first time I've ever bought a carnivorous plant, so I'm not sure if this is a 'fair price' for them.


The plants were packaged in a plastic containers with some holes in them and they seemed rather pathetic. It seems they were not doing well in the containers that they came in, but as I gave the plants some water, they were perking up.

The reason why I bought two was to run a nice little experiment AFTER I settle them into their proper containers in another week. One of them will stay in the house and we'll see if it grows as quickly as the one that will stay under the carport. None of them will really get direct sunlight, so perhaps they won't survive. I've heard that Venus Fly Traps are pretty hardy so long as they can get some nutrients from insects they catch, but we won't know until a few weeks from now.

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