The Origin of Mount Muria

in nature •  3 years ago 


Mount Muria stretches around the northern coastal cities of Central Java, such as the districts of Kudus, Jepara, and Pati. This mountain has a long history from the beginning of its existence which was once separated from the mainland of Java Island and is now one mainland and forms north coast cities.

But behind its long history, there are various versions regarding the naming of the name 'Muria' on one of these ancient mountains in Indonesia. Reporting from, Tuesday (15/2/2022), the naming 'Muria' was attached to the name of one of the songo guardians who spread Islam in Java, especially the mountainous area, namely Sunan Muria.



This is evidenced by the existence of the tomb of Sunan Muria in Bukit Muria, Colo Village, Kudus Regency. This tomb is always visited by pilgrims who want to find the blessing of smoothness in life, be it in work, business to get the right mate.

There is also another version that links the naming of Mount Muria with traces of the Palestinian heritage. Reporting from an academic website, according to Indonesian historian and literacy figure, Solichin Salam, in his book entitled Kudus Purbakala In Islamic Struggle (1976) stated that the name 'Muria' was identified with the name of a hill in Al-Quds City, Palestine which is close to The city of Jerusalem (now the capital of the State of Israel), namely Mount Moriah. On that hill, there is Baitul Maqdis, where Prophet David and Prophet Solomon built a temple or place of worship.

In addition to the naming on Mount Muria, traces of Palestinian heritage were also found at the Menara Kudus Mosque which was given the same name as the mosque in Jerusalem, namely Al-Aqsa. In fact, the stone used in laying the first stone for the construction of the Masjid Al-Aqsa Menara Kudus came from Palestine which was a gift from the Governor of Palestine to Shaykh Ja'far Sadiq, an expert in religious science and an expert in Islamic law (fiqh) for his contribution to volunteering to handle the epidemic.

Meanwhile, as previously reported by, the naming of 'Muria' on a mountain with an altitude of 1602 meters above sea level (masl) has a connection with the Lemuria people who are said to be one of the ancestors of the Indonesian people, especially the Javanese. .

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