Samares Blue Lake, Little Paradise in Biak

in nature •  3 years ago 


Papua does have a myriad of beautiful natural beauty. Not only the beauty of the beach, there are also other beauty tours offered. One of them is Samares Blue Lake.

If heard from the name will probably be the same as the wells in general. But make no mistake, this one well makes anyone who sees it amazed. Because, the lake commonly called Wopersnondi has blue water. Secretary of Biak Numfor Region, Papua Markus Mansnembra said, this place called Blue Lake is not widely known by tourists. This is one of the best destinations in Biak. "When this bay is hit by the sun (or summer) then the blue color will be more visible. This is where the beauty of Biak Sameres bay." Not only blue, the water in the lake offered clear water so that visitors can see the scenery to the bottom of the lake.

Samares Blue Lake is not widely known to most travelers in Tahan Air so it has not become a favorite destination when visiting Biak Numfor, Papua. The lake is located in Samares Village, Biak District, Biak Numfor Regency, Papua. If you want to visit there, you must have a healthy vehicle. Because the road is not easy.

You have to pass through the wilderness with an uphill or downhill route. Remember, do not underestimate the road because the risk is very high. However, when you have climbed the location of Wpoersnindi Bay all tired immediately disappeared. Its beautiful natural beauty, plus the cool air makes you in a small paradise.

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