Gifted With Bags

in mydailypost •  last month 

I don't really buy bags for myself except the cheap ones. However, they tear easily but I feel blessed that I received bags as gifts. In fact, my very generous and kind co-sister-in-law gifted me with two bags recently.



This is the gift from my co-sister-in-law. I think this is the most expensive bag I ever received, and ever used. It's Michael Kors, and it's so beautiful. They also gave me a sling bag which is also beautiful though I haven't got to take a picture.


This bag was given by a student few years back. However, I haven't used it for a year already. My sister needs a bag so I'm gifting it to her. It doesn't mean I don't value it, but it's for a loved one.


This one, I won online for free. I just shared the post by an online seller, and I won! However, I gave it to my mom because she needs a new bag.

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