Recognition Day

in mydailypost •  last year 

Cloudy Thursday blurtverse family, I wish everyone is in pink of health wherever we are in globe.
Anyways am going to share with you, the occasion we attended yesterday, my partners niece recognition.
Before the day of the recognition,my partners niece inform me that I will be accompanying her to receive her reward, tho I was a bit hesitant, but since her mom is OFW and her father is working,and her granny is acting up again so I said yes.
The night before the recognition, she chatted me that her father will be with her, so I said ok, thats better.
Yesterday morning strong rain started and lasted about noon time, so my plan of going to the recognition was cancelled, but before the occasion starts the rain stop so I decided to go, because we want to watch my partners niece because aside from receiving her award, she will perform two times, Sabayang Pagbikas and folk dance.




But when the recognition starts the rain poured out again so the tendency is the people compressed because even there are some tent, it did not fits well with the number of people inside the school, and we are just stay on the classroom beside the stage and we did not watch her well, but still she did a great job on her Sabayang Pagbigkas.
During her folk dance the rain stops so I was able to watch and take a video of her, then when she receives her award I was there to captured the moment and I can seehow happy she is.
After she receives and perform she went home immediately maybe because she feels tired also and the rain continues to fall.
This morning,I sent her the pictures and video ofher activity and she replied thank you Ate,and sent the same thing with her Mom abroad so atleast she can be proud and happy while working overseas and additional inspiration for her while she is away from her kids.
That will be for todays blog. This coming school year, Adrielle will be a pre schooler already and I will be happy sharing her milestones her so I hope you wont get tired reading my blogs.
Thank you and be safe always!

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