Her happiness

in mydailypost •  11 months ago 

We have a simple life, our budget is just enough for our daily needs, and baby needs like clothes are mostly given by her cousins, which means the used ones, but it's ok as long as it looks good.

Yesterday my partners brother and his wife did some general cleaning with thier house and found some things that can be used by my baby, so she chatted me and ask if I want it, so I said yes.

Later in.the afternoon we get the things, it is comsist of bag for Adrielle the bag was thier daughter bag when she was kid, them some crayons which the kids things also wayback, then some pillow cover which are in good condition and one bag for me.

This morning I wash the pillow cover and fix some stitches but not all and I kept it, so everytime I will change our pillow cover I have an extra cover.

Adrielle is very happy with her bag l, she said it looks like she is holding a cat because of the design.


While the crayons were kept and she used it when she draws something and colored it and kept it after, she even telling everyone that she received something from her cousins, thats how appreciative she is.




I know we are not born to have a spoonful but I am grateful that my baby, never ask for something that we can't give and she is happy even what she have is the used things of her cousins.

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