Mud Crabs or Suga2x

in mud •  last year 



Simple Procedure in Cooking for Mud Crabs (Suga2x)

This mud crabs known here a suga2x. Thier habitat is in the mangrove forest. They found this crabs in hole in the mud during low tide but sometimes in high tide they are going outside thats why fishermen cought up .But it is hard to cought especially if not season.

To determine the male and female ;

Male have a narrow triangular abdomen and inverted U-shape curve on thier abdomen and usually one large claws whereas the female have a broader abdomen and usaually have two small claws.

I cook this crabs for a very simple way and not to much cost the engridients but very delicious and nutritious . Firstly clean the crabs and boild in small amount of boiling water until it becomes red then add the garlic and ginger the green pipper and seasoning then add the fresh coconut milk ..

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