in motivation •  3 years ago 

"Poor is not a disgrace, it's just not fun"


What is poverty?

Since poverty is difficult defined, some say poverty is measured from the level of consumption costs. Some say poverty indicators are deprived or lost capabilities, both on access to health, consumption and education.

And in my opinion, the definition of poverty is a limitation. That is limited in doing and having anything on earth. Limitations in terms of materials and ways of thinking. Poor is not just because of lack of material, but also lack of way of thinking.

And this is a very disturbing level of poverty.
If someone is poor in terms of way of thinking, believe me this is the beginning of the destruction of a nation in the world.

Have you ever thought about the living conditions of ten or twenty centuries ago ?.
You must know if you are a lover of history. Make a comparison now and the past. Do you know why you live in a very sophisticated and modern era ?, This is the effect of the way of thinking people who lived that extraordinary time with all the limitations. And they are historical witnesses that the world will never forget.

And now your chance to be a witness of history for the next ten or twenty centuries, use your way of thinking so that later the world knows that you have lived in this time.

"Poor banned success?"**

In this country, the poor are considered to be garbage that must be packed and buried as deep as possible.
Poor becomes an identity for the poor. They do not deserve proper education, adequate life, adequate health, even the poor are the kind of people who are not worthy of happiness.
This is a matter of great concern and heart slicing.

The life path of the poor in this country is limited, like a dog chained in the front yard.
They can only smell the beauty and enjoyment that is in front of it without being able to be enjoyed.

Here, "the poor are forbidden sick" because the medical costs are not small.
Here, "poor people are prohibited to fat" for eating healthy and nutritious especially for the rich.
Here, "the poor are forbidden" because the cost of education in this country is very expensive. Not to mention talking about learning places that use illogical rules, such as prohibiting wearing sandals while studying, or having to wear uniforms, and many other examples that can limit between the rich and the poor.

Although the government is trying to eradicate this problem with various efforts, but I believe the results will remain zero if there are still individuals who seek personal gain.

Sadly again, here poverty is worth selling. In the sense that poverty will be very successful in the field if supported by inadequate physical conditions, such as blind, deaf, mute or disabled.

You have to succeed if you want more precious level of garbage, you have to be rich because here the poor are just human parts that will soon be forgotten the world.

About Author:


Muchsin Alman

I come from Aceh, Indonesia. I was born in October 1994. I am a trader in several Crypto markets, besides I am also a writer of fiction and poetry. .
I focus on charity and humanitarian work. I think I will take advantage of technological advances such as Blockchain and Cryptocurency to be able to help others. And this is my goal, because for me there is no single satisfaction eternal apart from the satisfaction of seeing the smiles of others because of us.

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