πŸ‘‡ Surviving the Ides of MARCH! 😎πŸ₯“ Or JUST survived the Ideas of March ☝️

in morningblurt β€’Β  2 years agoΒ 

Morning 🀬;

Yesterday's vortex of possibilities came to a conflagration point last evening. I don't know who can relate to this, but it sure felt intense yesterday.

We seemed to have made it through. ... For now.


I'd be curious to know if anyone else out there WAS experiencing Strange Energetic PULLS leading up to March 15th? But that would suggest that this is some sort of "Conversation", which it isn't...

It's an ALERT!

An Emergency ALERT System... For the BRAVE.

I had to pause posting until Nino went Live.

Please join me in my anti-Discord-ian way ✍️😎πŸ₯“πŸ‘

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