in money •  2 years ago 

Hi friends and followers. Today is April 6th 2022 and it looks like my predictions of Hive are already coming true. Hive is heading lower, hive is losing rank and it just past two milestones at once, sub 200 rank and sub $1 price. (image credit above

Just a little background on me. I have almost 20 years of trading and investing experience. I know what I'm talking about when it comes to trading and markets. This is how I've been able to support myself and travel the world for much of the past 15 years.

Recently I've been accused of "milking" the hive reward pool, spamming, and being a total POS by the Hive Cabal; even though comments and up-votes say the total opposite. They counted my money publicly saying I made thousands and thousands of dollars "spamming" the community here. Which is perfectly half true.

What the Hive Cabal has failed to mention about me is that I bought 10,000 hive at 10 cents and held another 10,000 hive I already had through the lows. I sold almost everything now with an average sale price of about $1.80. So I laugh when they count my money cause they are doing it all wrong. I turned basically 2k into almost 40k by being a smart investor....something "they" totally disapprove of on Hive.

So if you want to count how I really earned my money on hive, you now have a better understanding. I surely would have sold out of everything above $2, but lets not forget the Hive Satanic Cabal set the power down at 13 weeks, the number of death. So basically everyone trying to exit stage left now, will probably be lucky to get out with an average price of 50 cents. But that's better than if you wait longer to start powering down, which I'm sure most reading this will not do.

The Previous Big Bull Run

I remember the run up in the end of 2017. Young people could have started out their adult lives with 100s of thousand of dollars in the bank. I was begging people to sell back then. I said this is a parabolic move and it's not sustainable, the price will crash on the other side of this spike higher.

Literally every single person I said this to were like "naaaah. You're crazy, that's not gonna happen." Some followed up by saying "Steemit is going to be the next facebook! I'm gonna hold forever!" Meanwhile I was selling as much as I could, buying physical gold and silver at prices far lower than they are trading today. Of course I'm still holding 90% percent of that. I'm still watching it grow as gold reaches towards new all time highs and silver is near double what I paid with my early 2018 six dollar Steem.

Same Same But Different!

Here we are again. We had the parabolic spike. I got out. The Hive Cabal viciously attacked my blog destroying my ability to reach an audience and earn. All this about one week after I started my power down when the price hit one dollar back around October of 2021. Coincidence? I doubt it...

Again the Hivemind says work harder not smarter, post more "effort"/ time consuming content, power up your earnings, buy more and power up! Only focus on what you earn on your posts, not how much you lose on the price going down.

My friends, if you want to be successful in life and financially independent, please think for yourself. Please take your emotions out of investing. Please don't hold 100k of Hive and watch it go to 10k because you're a "fan" and emotionally tied to this thing.

Right now you could be sitting on life changing money and all it takes for that to evaporate to almost nothing is for horrible rotten corrupt whales like @themarkymark, @acidyo, and @blocktrades to sell (harvest the flock) and drop the price on you; and yes they do it in coordination as one Hive Cabal. They are the big money and fully control the market for their benefit not yours. Please wake up before it's too late.

Again, from a self made, near 20 year experienced investor/trader. Let's have a look at the weekly chart of Hive.

For starters the arrows point to a series of lower highs, a clear down trend. Very bearish. The price has stalled and turned lower failing to get above the 20 week moving average, again very bearish. The stochastic reading on the bottom has come out of oversold, while the current price action has turned down...very bearish again.

Key support is around 80 cents and it's just a mater of time before it breaks that level. The next major support is around 50 cents and then 16 cents. Hard to say if it will go all the way to 16 cents but regardless, the price has a long way to fall.

Furthermore we are looking now at a third potential attempt to break the 80 cent level, the more attempts, the more likely it breaks down...bearish. Also there is a triangle pattern with the top side sloping downward and the bottom side flat. Statistically the most likely outcome is a break to the downside. See below from


Then you have rumors of Splinterlands making a break from Hive and starting their own token and blockchain. Then you have a bunch of disgusting most likely satanic freaks running the show on hive in the most powerful positions, going wild with the down-vote button.

They have run so many good and frankly wealthy people off the blockchain it's hard to keep tract. Like near a quarter million dollar investment from @gringalicious now gone via abuse of "their" down-vote button. Keep in mind that is just the very tip of the ice-burg in terms of how much money and good people they've run off. This is also destroying Hive's reputation and upsetting all sorts of influential people as an added bonus.


For those who have laughed at me for hiring private investigators to feed me information on what is really going on at Hive....guess what? I'm laughing right back at you! Since then I've moved my blog and moving investment over to Blurt. I'm currently buying this nice dip around solid support. So....I'll see you on Blurt (or not); a platform for smart, independent thinkers. Not a bunch of worker bees enriching their Hive masters.

Next time I'll do a post on the chart of Blurt, how it's coming out of it's infancy, it's making a series of higher highs, and frankly it's looking very bullish and at an opportune spot to buy at this very moment. But of course human psychology is to buy high and sell low instead of the other way around. Hive has already gone up over 30x from it's low. The top is in. See you at sub 300 rank and 50 cents for my next Hive market report.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That 80 cent mark (more like 75 cents when I last calculated it, but that's just a quibble!) is also the price at which the debt-ratio algo kicks in. They really hate that haircut! I dunno why, coz when I was running larger funds, those zero-HBD-printing periods were really stable in terms of economics.

Anyway, yeah, a dump below 75-80 cents would be a concern. I suspect they will increase the "hidden" HBD and/or formally increase the max debt-ratio. That's how I would manipulate the HIVE price ;-)

After seeing your Blurt financial reports....your opinion is well respected. Thanks for adding to the post here in the comments section! :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Thanks! I had to write it out and do some calcs, as I couldn't quite understand the real reason behind the "hidden debt". Then it struck me that it alters the algorithmic price generated by the system when the debt ratio is above its limit. ;-) The new HIVE to HBD conversion accelerates this process.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

That's a whole aspect I have never taken the time to look into. From respected opinions of others around here. The HBD and the SBD is just a tool to manipulate and it's quite scammy. Do you share this opinion as well? Is this why there is no ummmm.....BBD?

Personally I think a blurt backed dollar would just complicate things. I really like the cut and dry simplicity of how things are now. I also see it kind of as a side show, when the primary focus should be on the main token and a free market.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

No, I think SBD was clever, BUT lots of bollox in the whitepaper made people believe (people like believing shit rather than researching) that it was some kinda "stable"coin - it isn't (wasn't). Just one sentence describes what it really is, which is a debt to steem designed to stabilise the system STEEM price in the event of external collapse. The system then generates an algorithmic price. That won't stop a fall to zero, but will slow it down as it creates arbitrage ops. I've written lots about this - very few understand it, even fewer believe me (but I am not the messiah so their faith is misplaced anyway).

I was not on the Blurt team at the start and, personally, would not have removed the secondary coin - for the reasons above. I don't care if people find it "confusing" - if we took confusion into account we would have no insurance, mortgages, pensions, derivatives etc etc ;-)

Having said all that, what steem and hive have both since done with their secondary coin is very different, but both show that SBD/HBD can both be manipulated. As this is not an issue on Blurt, I haven't bothered investigating further what is the simplest tweak to mitigate any negative effects of such manipulations. The SBD one is perhaps more interesting as I don't think there was any code change - just that the SBD market has been taken over.

Think of the secondary coin as a Tbond compared to the main coin. ;-)

Thank you for the excellent explanation. I get your point about confusion. With that thought process maybe we'd all still be back in the stone age! haha

It's clear this is something you have done your homework on. I and many others have not. Having respect for you and your opinion; if you think it's a good idea than it most likely is as long as it's set up correctly. It seems like you would be the right guy to ensure it's done right if it was ever introduced to the platform.

After being on Blurt for about a month or so, it's becoming very clear that you are a true asset to this place. Very glad you are here. Just don't go double-u on us now ;)

Have a great day, and I'll be in touch!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm losing track of time, but must be 5 years ago now... 2017? probably.
Unlike most people (I'm assuming) I wasn't looking for a place to make money from blogging - I was looking for a crypto construct that attempted to have a viable internal economy! very few of those, even now ;-) So I found Steem from doing that search.

Once I'd figured out how to earn STEEM from blogging (comments and then more comments, folks!!) I started to look at the economic setup - how to make money from money! Sadly, I saw that it was largely based on pigs at the trough economics... and every "improvement" made it worse. I still think such an internalist cryptoeconomy may be feasible, but I also see great resistance, even from those who may benefit long-term, that it may be easier to start something new rather than morphing something existing. The blockchain is also as complex and delicate as a mechanical watch that it is way easier to break things than fix them. Anyway, that's my background to all this.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

To add, the "making money from money" idea came from a very practical problem: how to support a growing community of users? just giving people votes doesn't work as the number of hungry feeders grows faster than the available pie.
hence, I constructed a community fund.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Thanks for taking the time to share this with all of us. Very interesting. My experience is quite different. I was looking for a place to share my story and travel photography, and insights into the lifestyle of a perpetual traveler as well as ad another revenue stream.

I never even heard of bitcoin until about the same time I heard of steemit in early 2017....basically I was too busy venturing through the world and intentionally limited my computer time to basically just emails and trading (traditional markets).

I'm a real outdoorsy adventure loving kind of guy....never one for the "screens" too much. Apparently that lifestyle choice had me falling short on amazing opportunities like getting into crypto earlier, but that is OK. I got in early enough and I'm not complaining.

What you say here makes so much sense...

"The blockchain is also as complex and delicate as a mechanical watch that it is way easier to break things than fix them."

On that other blockchain no name needs to be mentioned, one of "them" we're bashing blurt how there hasn't been any or many forks. Just reminds me of what you say above. Also reminds me of what you say below here as well.

"Sadly, I saw that it was largely based on pigs at the trough economics... and every "improvement" made it worse."

Your last comment below reminds me what we need more of.

"So I didn't have to beg to anyone, nor become dependent on anyone :-)
One gracious investor did step up, and we've been friends ever since."

This is key isn't it? People helping other people each with a role they play. Like a symbiotic relationship in the animal kingdom. One of my best friends @teamsteem, maybe you remember him, certainly was an amazing supporter of the platform, helping the price rise and increase membership. His mega up-vote power came almost entirely from a surprise delegation. The guy totally surprised him and dumped huge steem power into his hands completely out of blue. This is just cause he was a smart "teamsteem" player that was good for steem, and good for this person's investment.

Not really sure where this is going. But I certainly enjoy learning from what you have to share and conversing with you. I'm currently building a position in Blurt, and will start doing things similar to @randula in terms of delegation and encouraging others to come to the platform. I'll continue to devote time to help this place grow, even if it means more screen time! hahaha Frankly I'm starting to become very fond of the people here and enjoying my time on blurt.

It's a much different angle than my days on steemit/hive where I was just a travel blogger networked with other travel bloggers. It got so boring over there, cause I know if I spiced things up and shared anything of what may be considered a controversial opinion I was at risk of down-vote. So here I feel the freedom to speak my mind without worry and it's refreshing to say the least.

I'm enjoying my new roll and with a far clearer understanding of how things work here internally and economically. I'm looking forward to a very bright future here on blurt. Let's just not fork this place to death and turn it into something unrecognizable a year from now. ;)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I too think the OG SBD was smart... Would have been smarter if the allowed the SBD system to open up for other ideas like what Steem-Engine eventually gave us.

I think something similar could happen here on BLURT with a variety of Backed Dollars built by the communities.

Like smart media tokens only real.

BLURT backed Dollar
BLURT backed ruble
BLURT backed yen

Etc etc ...

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

oh OK, your focus was on the word "Dollar". I kinda just took it as a unit-currency, in that the blockchain coin price was in USD - had the chain been priced in BTC, then they would have had a SBB secondary coin.

Not sure how multiple secondary coins would help on chain, but I see your point of spreading out the concept to other fiat, or even other cryptos.

The algo I did like was removing the witness price feeds and being an internal calculation - everyone else I've ever spoken to hated that!! lol.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I'm actually very glad you understood what I was tryna say.

A BTC backed Steem was EXACTLY what I was expecting back in the day. An ETH-Steem whole have been great too and probably fueled better internet resources like Storage and stream distribution. But theses wanks can only conceive of money... Dollars for dollards IMHO 🤬🥓

Rather than NEW shitcoin... Communities could have built back better. I should have the ability to manage multiple coins from a Steem/Hive/BLURT wallet .. but that's just me.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You nailed it, I traded ETH for Hive when it was at 0.14 and it smelled like burnt toast to me when it hit $3, not counting how I saw those candles almost always in the same time slot on Binance. Good report friend. @world-travel-pro

Thank you @oscarps. Really appreciate the support and kind words. And congratulations on such good timing with Hive as well! I'll head over to your blog and see what you are to over there :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)


Arbitrage 😎🥓

Yes, big news and I'm pretty sure MSM has swept that under the rug as well.

Thanks for stopping by and supporting my blog....

but you always leave me craving more bacon! 🥓😀

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Have you looked at ? It also began as a steem fork, though works on a quite different model where instead of a reward pool, each user can claim a daily reward based on stake that can then be used for post tipping. That way, there is no reward pool open for abuse, such as voting circle crap posting just for the sake of milking the pool to the detriment of all other users. It is also less likely to attract those posting for the sole reason of making money. That may be good or bad, depending on your perspective.

I only just recently joined blurt, but also nice is that it is really easy to safely switch between blurt, hive, and whaleshares without needing to shuffle keys around, as whalevault keychain supports them all in a single browser extension.

Anyway, just throwing it out there in case it is of interest and you have not yet come across it. :)

Thanks for letting me know about this. However my time is limited and I'm already focused on helping build up Blurt. Maybe I'll have a close look when I get a chance. Thanks again for sharing this.

I’ve tried whalesharss at one point it seemed ok but I went back recently and it just seemed dead, is it better again now?

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

whaleshares is still very much alive. from my perspective, I really like the interface and the whole tipping idea too, especially having witnessed so much reward pool abuse over the years. I can only hope more will wake up to the advantages over time, but no doubt there seems to be something about getting a piece of a reward pool that is very attractive to people.

then again, if suddenly the value of WLS springs back to life, it wouldn't surprise me to suddenly see a bunch of users all jumping right back onto the bandwagon. They'll probably also write many posts about how it isn't fair that they missed out on claiming all those "worthless daily rewards" and should be reimbursed for it now that it's worth something.

Even just thinking of hive price at 10 cents versus like 3 bucks, how many posts would claim at "only 10 cents" just wasn't worth their time to post. then when it shot up higher, those same people suddenly show up again upset they're not getting any attention and complaining about how no one supports them! lol

I was on wls for a while posting regularly but I took a break and when I went back it had changed too much for me to try and work out what was going on, yeah something to do with a tip system. I don't think anyone can moan about it if they miss out tho but there are so many sites now we do have to make some choices time wise, you can post on all easy enough but it's hard to literally build communities and engagement on all, you do have to make some choices.

I’m still powering down I never rly had life changing money tho but I hope to have found blurt early enough

I stumbled upon your acc at HIVE... OMG they really hit you hard! So sorry for that... 😔 Did they ever state a reason for that?

they would let me earn so much but if I ever earned too much for them as my posts did well they would come in with 'over rewarded'. I think final straw was me standing up for ura soul then I got some new ones on my back who were even more powerful, I just can't sit and watch ppl getting bullied for any amount of money. So I was on their radar again and just getting a lot more 'punishment' as you either stay quiet and don't have any critique or your punished is how it goes. Then I got that meester boom dude who I am sure is part of their circle just come at me on every post with his stupid downvotes. By this point I was over hive and had found blurt and was just ready to leave and just actually wanted to make it so I was never tempted to go back and post there as I did have a good following and good upvotes but the energy from being there wasn't worth it. I started digging around on this meester boom guy as they all hide behind stupid cartoon pics when we all just are transparent and share ourselves with everyone. He has open profiles and blogs everywhere with his name on there that he uses on hive and a really weird YouTube channel with some rly strange content. I shared the link to it then I got called out for doxing which is stupid as you can't really dox when its all public information from one google search with the same name as his hive blog, but yeah they didn't like it very much. I probably shouldn't have laughed at his blog and stooped to their pathetic level but I am sick of those morons and bullies just hiding behind a stupid cartoon while they bully everyone else who is authentic and real cause they are pussies. At that point I knew I never ever wanted to go back there because the whole core of that system is messed up and nothing will change it.

What a story! Similar to mine. 😂 My whale problem was theMarky... A total jerk! I stood up for a Canadian blogger called Drutter... They nuked him to zero on 6 post. I never saw him again... 😓

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

I never ran into him Acidyo meester boom smooth and once azirocro. TaraZKp is terrible behind closed doors but doesn’t seem to get publicly involved much. I, sure they work as one network as one beef gets you a beef with all. Most of mine just came from siding with someone else In comments and not supporting bullying.

I saw it live, when themarky DVed drutter... 6 or 7 bootlickers were there right away DVing too...

Oh and pfunk but I think pfunk might just be a deranged Lone Ranger tbh and act alone cause he just never makes any sense at all. I never rly understand what he’s saying it just usually has fuck In it somewhere

The hypocrisy is mad they hated me posting on steem yet I saw some of them with farming g accounts there even now, they just don’t like others to make money lol

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Yeah back in 2017 so many great bloggers quit from this stee, chat bullying and nuking ..
. no one believed me when I talked about it back then or maybe wanted to bury head in sand and earn money a lot more believe me now lol at least now we have options

Hey buddy.

Don't forget to mention the fact he was self voting comments on the 6th day right before payout on like 6 different accounts using free delegated stake. Probably just slipped your mind to mention that. 🤥


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Self upvoted?

Wow... You're such a savior of the chain 😐

Good thing we don't need your kind (the Self APPOINTED) Here on this chain. You and your Funky Bunch should keep your Discords and your circle jerk inflation scam on your OWN chain, HIVE, where you can act out all your deviant fantasies.

Here you can just inflate your own Stake with your OWN votes... Because no one actually believes that's wrong. In fact... Imma UPVOTE THIS COMMENT CHUMP 🖕🤬🥓

Bye bye Marky....

PS: 🖕😂


  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Nobody cares. It's his stake to do what he wants with the only reason he did it on the 6th day, was the same reason you guys down-voted me on the sixth day. So it was clearly an attempt to avoid the equivalent of a bunch of political correct BS you loaded up your own platform with. It's his stake, he can up-vote himself all day long. I'm just happy he is buying and holding BLURT....something, that your attack dogs, hive-watcher totally overlook. I shouldn't even say anything, as you may learn a little business common sense. But it doesn't matter.

I'd down vote this comment....but that type of pissing contest is off limits here, giving freedom of speech back to anyone less wealthy than you or I. You total POS.

Now I'm going to Up-vote my own comment here cause nobody cares and it's my investment, my up-vote, and I'll do what "I" want with it, not what "you" want me to do with it. You total control freak creepy dude.

Note to viewer: This is a clear indicator that my/our efforts are having a serious effect. They don't know how to handle the negative PR and mentioning of blurt all over their platform as their alt coin sinks below 200 rank. The name blurt is being heard all over hive now, where before many including myself never even heard of it. They even created a fake account call world-travel-pr0 to mock me. They copy the blurt banner and change the slogan. They come over here make posts like this.

I understand that this may not be the best/ most positive way to get the word out about blurt, but we ARE getting the word out about blurt and they are helping.

This is much better than virtually no ears hearing the name blurt. We need to just get this thing on people's radar, so they can do their own research and decide for themselves.

So let's give marky marky and the hive cabal a big round of applause for being blurts current best marketing team.

However I know some more people in very high places in digital marketing. So I'm confident with a brief introduction to this person Blurt will be able to move on to a much bigger and better audience to market to in the not to distant future.

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Every one of your words is a smack in the face of DF @themarkymark. 😂😂😂

You total control freak creepy dude.


Sometimes I think, that @themarkymark is some kind of cheap 1st generation AI... What a retard...

  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

Are you running after me like a little puppy? What a freak! Even his delegators knew, you dumb piece of 💩! They didn't care, because he had good content. IT IS THEIR DELEGATION, NOT YOURS RETARD!!! GOOD CONTENT can you even spell that word? I'm missing that thoroughly on your blog and especially in your projects!!!! 😂 You are defending a reward pool, that YOU are milking you skeezy little hypocrite. Fact is, YOU and your whale buddies are the biggest beneficiaries. That is why you're doing this! Truth hurts... So why don't you shut TF up and FO to your DV button and your little ass kisser friends! 🖕 Ooooohhhhh look! I just self upvoted my own comment!!!! OMG ...and guess what moron? There is nothing you can do about it...

PS: It's not better on Blurt, it is f#####g AWESOME on Blurt, because there is no @themarkymark retard DVing everybody! 🖕


  ·  2 years ago  ·   (edited)

@world-travel-pro @frankbacon - We have a guest... 😂 Look at this retard...

@world-travel-pro @frankbacon Fellas, you're missing all the fun with the markster over in the hiveatrix... 😂


...and here:

He’s third one over here deep down they know there is more fun and banter here, it’s probably boring over on hive now as everyone left just follows and they have no one to argue and banter with so coming here.

Hahahaha. That's hilarious.

What a DF.... 😂


Look at this retard @themarkymark on Hive:

Downvotes others for plagiarising and plagiarises himself! It is clearly a stock photo! (No photo source.)

What a false little moral bitch... 🤬


  ·  2 years ago  ·  

total market manipulation... self appointed, anon bankers that are worse than any Rockafeller I've met. Cannot wait to completely divest of that chain and drop a dime for the Canadian Cybercrime division... and the SEC.

lol it starts back in 2017 when I joined steemit, found the chat room and got invited to a private chat room with several of the ocd whales in. To begin with they upvoted me and took me into the circle but I was friends with ppl not in it, online anyways and I saw how they would pretend to help in main chat then behind closed doors just pick on random newbies and take them to rep zero for fun/ mock them and be complete bullies and love decimating ppl for no reason other than they decided they were too outspoken/ didn't like them for some reason. I ended up falling out with them as I can't support that kind of stuff then they made a new chat room invited me to it but muted me and just started being downright bullying to me. The group was ran by some woman called illuminati something.

It seems to be a playground for narcissists..? They love their downvote button!

I at that time actually had no idea how much control of the platform those ppl had so just kept my head down and avoided them and built nice communities etc, it was on ly when on hive I saw them doing it to new ppl I spoke up and stood up for the people getting downvoted and also shared my story so of course then they 'punish me' every time I would do that with a round of downvotes. You can see onver on steemit that they even admitted it or one did that they would laugh at taking ppl to zero and basically mocking their English and all kinds of things just down right bullies. A lot of ppl left steemit in those early days it was one of the major reasons I think for a terrible retention rate was that steemit chat as it was the main chat site listed for ppl to go to to get help.

I had tried to be on vyb but that was stupid too as all these downvoting whales are in the proof of brain chat rooms. they areal in on it I think.

OMG. I just had a look. Same characters, same deal. The way these energy vampires tried to feed on her good energy is mind boggling. Power tripping...."the down votes, are just personally how I feel". Trying to make people jump, and if you don't ask how high, things just get worse. Like shooting bullets at her feet trying to make her dance to their tune. Incredibly hurtful. Totally get why you wouldn't want to even log in there ever again. Anyway, probably best not to even get into it. It's just negative and disturbing.

I have a real good feeling blurt is going to be a game changer for all of us. That's why I'm buying here and will continue to do so. Looks like great support to buy at. Life changing money it will most likely be. I think we are all in early enough. Just keep getting the word out and most importantly....just have fun here and enjoy. That's what it's all about, the financial side will naturally follow.

The price is currently at about 1.5¢. If it hits just 15 or 20¢, we all win!!!!! 🤩

I've seen so many "hockey stick" moves in crypto as they come out of their infancy and missed them all! hahaha. But it's just a matter of time with blurt in my honest opinion.

Yeah just 10 c and we do rly well

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

I sold 250k of Hive and was happy to do well and walk away. Its a giant scam!

That's quite a chunk of change. I hope you didn't piss it away on blow and hookers! lol

Any thoughts on buying blurt at sub 2 cents. Seems like a bargain to me, especially when I see new people joining and momentum starting to shift in Blurts direction. On a longer term scale like three years out...I can't imagine the price being lower, this thing is clearly growing.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Like you im into bullion as the safer investment, and with cryptos a bit of a selection with monero and zcash being my faves, because maybe, just maybe, they can be used in a social credit world

Blurt ive only got 12k of because ive been burned on tokens before...there is such a small market that if you have a large holding its hard to sell them. So yes i think it looks like a bargain, but no, at this point im staying small!

That is very cool. Gold and especially silver I see as very undervalued still, but then again they banks supress the hell out them. Another one for your next conspiracy article! lol.

I see what you mean regarding selling large quantities of blurt. The volume and trade interest really has to grow with blurt and it is. I suspect it will be less of a concern unloading a position in the future. I know you got burned in steem was it or hive? I recall reading something you wrote a short while back how you were basically sitting on a fortune and you watched it evaporate like 95% or something. That's a tough lesson to learn, so I totally get where you are coming from. Gold and Silver certainly will take that risk out of the equation, another reason why I'm a big believer in physical metal.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

That wasn't me that got burned, ive forgotten who it was but i read that too. With Steemit i got up to about 15k and the 13 week powerdown did cause me to lose about half the value, but i still made a decent profit.

With i Hive i went nuts and bought up 250k at 15cents, then sold them all off for a good gain. I never planned to hold Hive long term once i realised how corrupt it is.

The loss was on VYB tokens, that becuse of a strange chain of events, i ended up at one point being the second biggest holder of. Those have become a total lemon, and ive written them off and given up on them. But i did so well on Hive im not stressing.

Damn. I bought 10k at 10 cents. but doesn't compare to 250k at 15 cents. Wow. Congratulations. I'm gonna swing for the fences a bit like that here on Blurt. I don't see a situation playing out where there is no one to sell to if you want out. Blurt is gaining interest and momentum. I see a bright future.

Sorry I got confused, I read "that" comment months ago too and didn't bother to double check who wrote it. For some reason I thought it was you, glad it was not. :)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

What I'd like to do on Blurt is just have a loose but friendly platform to post on, and attempt to forget about rewards and curation, I'll stick to trading big cryptos from now on! Best times i had were on Steemit in 2016 when my vote was worth just a cent or two, but my posts often got over 50 comments.

Wow. I don't know steemit in those days. But that is pretty impressive. I know what you mean about sticking to lesser risk macro cryptos. Makes good sense. I see blurt more as a "start up" business, with huge potential. That's the main reason I bought and continue to buy. As you know getting in early is where the big money is made and I like what I see on blurt, so I'm taking a chance. Glad you are able to enjoy this place in your own way and I'm always happy to see a comment from you, the guy who introduced me to blurt in the first place!

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Great analysis about hive. I also used hive coin as my small investment in binance because it has good value ranges. Anyway I sold them when I get a good profit.

Share your review about Blurt and Steemit too.. Like to see them too.

Thank you Randula. Sounds like a good Sunday post for me. For some reason I'm hooked on doing a little something special on Sundays :) I'm pretty sure I'll find time as I've just decided to leave the Island of Koh Phangan again soon, and this time I'll set out on an adventure north! No destination really, just point my motorbike north and go!

Thanks again for the kind words and hope you are doing well!