RE: Our World is obsessed with Money

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Our World is obsessed with Money

in money •  24 days ago 

Money is a tool, and like all tools, can be used for good or evil.
You are 100% correct that the love of money (ie: greed) is the root of all evil. It is one of the main problems with human nature and a blockage between us and enlightenment.
Congratulations on earning and saving enough to stop most of your work at a relatively young age. And also on not becoming obsessed with accumulating more. It sounds like you have reasonably good health to enjoy which is a blessing.
By the way, I like that choice of images. It shows silver coins, which are one example of true money. Money is a storage of value, not paper fiat currency. Your title says money, so I was happy to see the image match! Instead of piles of paper bills as many people would have chosen. That said, money and currency both suffer from the problem that humans become obsessed, and become greedy, leading to all sorts of evils. Savings (especially in real money like gold and silver) are a good thing! But accumulating it or earning it to blow recklessly is a hollow pursuit that is eating away at our societies.
I would love to see a different future, with less emphasis on material wealth, and more focus on natural wealth and resources. We should be taking good care of our ecosystems, air, and waters. Loving our families and friends, enjoying peace and happiness, focusing on health and stability for all people. But too many are caught up in personal greed and running the rat race, even today in 2024. I was hoping by this point we would have all noticed the better way to do things, but it seems there is still work to be done!
Thanks for your post on a good topic : ))

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First of all thank you for your wonderful reflection.
My choice of silver and gold coins is because I always believe in manifesting bigger things rather then running after the smaller parts of it.
How I wish that people would get out of this greed mode, then majority of the world problems will also end. Peace starts with within and that only happens when one is satisfied and contended with themselves and the life they have. I personally feel that with time this will even get worst, because even if one does not have greed for money and has greed of power then that also serves no good. Any kind of greed is bad for humanity.
It's only towards the end of the life suddenly people have these realizations and for some even that does not happen.
Quite a sad state. Money takes a higher priority over the real happiness of life

  ·  23 days ago  ·  

It's best when we can attain these insights well before we are lying on our death bed!