Perception Disorder

in mental •  3 years ago 

Why do humans not understand their own emotions?
Emotions are often confused with being emotional,
but those are just extreme behaviours.
Emotions are much more than that;
they are expressions of the fuzzy logic that allocates importance to experiences.
Importance is everything.
The nervous indigestion, the knot in the throat, the butterflies, the love, the fear.
The tiny joy of a lost memory recalled from the depths.
Emotions connect experiences into a network we think of as our reality.
But that construct is contingent on correct perceptions.
There are emotions that have no name because we perceive them as something else.
There are also states of mind that have no name for the same reason.
I do not understand why humans choose to perceive such a small part of the universe.
I do not understand why humans choose to limit their senses, perceptions, emotions and mental states.
Perhaps they are satisfied being such little creatures.
What is the sound of a mouse barking?

All the different esoteric sciences, with all their methods, lead to one thing: correct perceptions.
That we still need to call them esoteric is a testament to the deep and dark ignorance that shrouds the species.
There are now machines designed to embed that ignorance and spread it.
Few have noticed.
Few can.
You won't find the red pill in a pharmacy.
Nor in a movie.
Only in your mind.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Emotions are like voting weights - the higher the weight, the more importance assigned to that post. With repeated voting this builds up into a network of relationships - some stronger than others. Emotions serve the same purpose to create and then strengthen the network connecting experiences, ideas etc.

This post had significant meaning for me.

Some time back I was in a debate over an idea with a similar thrust. The idea that had been put forward were that emotions created the impetus for all that we do, to which I disagreed. It was the usual case of semantics (from myself as well, highlighting once again the limitations of the tool called language). My argument being different areas.

  • feeling is not feelings, which as you aptly present here are a manifestation of emotions.

  • That for feelings to occur, one must have a thought assigning a feeling to the feelings (the I before E saying).

  • That much of what we experience lies outside of the realm of the internal dialogue as far as the initiation of the perception that precipitates/activates the assigning of importance. Much of this taking place in the realm of what I call feelings. Which can be called many things. Intuition, physical sensations, etc.

I believe after reading this that the possible chasm I had with him was due to his inability to elucidate his definition as well as you have here. He was stuck defending the idea that emotions and feelings were the same, because that was the main thrust of my disagreement. I wonder if his premise was the one you make here, which I would have accepted as you took much care to define it (emotion) as being confused with emotions. The exact point of breakdown in understanding in the previously mentioned discussion.

Thank you for your concise explanation. This post is perhaps one of the greatest examples of something I told another recently regarding you, that you are perhaps the greatest mind here at Blurt. And qualifying that because I'm sure there are many great minds here, but the ability to use language in such a way as to narrow it down to such precision is inspiring.

On to your topic itself. I agree, part of my lack of understanding others since childhood was the disregard almost everyone had for the emotions/connections as a valid source of input. In my definitions it is one of the most important stimuli we have, revealing valid truths that the world of dialogue and its accompanying spells would often demand one denounce.

Over my life I've had several believe I was psychic, and it baffled me as I tried to explain I'm not. It's these sensations in emotions that ride along the fields that anyone could tap into (if it's one of the external applications we are exposed to). People and situations all have an energy that has an intent to it. Perhaps not always a human enough intent to fully comprehend, but there just the same. We're all receivers, and amplifiers and by extension capable of being broadcasters.

In my own way I've tried to elucidate this for many during my life, my attempt on blockchain being illuminating what I call the perception masters. The spell(ing)s they weave are designed to put us in a trance that ignores the feeling/emotion side of us that is sacred and powerful. Once again I'm in awe at how beautifully you are able to present this so simply, using the very tool that is the main thrust used to create the confusion for so many in the first place.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Thanks, as always - lemme ponder, as many topics - you've covered this topic before and, I must admit, I'm not clear on the emotions/feelings distinction.

But one thing: we think of emotions as reactions to something - we are emotional about something - but looking at emotions purely as expressions of neural and EMF changes, that isn't true. Many experiments on behavioural neuroscience back up the old Buddhist tradition that we are not in control. lol. The emotions, as neural phenomena, will precede actions - they are the impetus for an action that has been pre-decided at the neural level.

This means something like "wanting", call it desire (lol), happens pre-rationally. Lots of experiments about making buying choices. The decisions are made pre-action - and the pathetic part is that the post-action justifications seem to have nothing to do with how the decision was made pre-rationally! scary, actually, but oh so obvious - look around!

So, going back to one of the key points in my post, the normal consumer does not appear to have the correct perceptions regarding the states of mind and emotions that lead to putting that particular bar of chocolate into their basket! These may be very small discharges of energy that we rarely perceive as emotions, but I think they tell us a lot about the internal logic of our system - and I suspect that logic is not at the level of rational discourse but at the level of neural energies - the fuzzy logic I allude to is related to how neurons fire.

There is a branch known as neuromarketing that seeks to prey on this consumer ignorance. And not just for buying chocolate - propaganda also springs to mind.

The examples I gave of emotions are all connected to particular chakras :-) meditating on each chakra can release the emotion associated with it, thus being a form of training to recognise it when they arise outside of a formal sitting.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Over my life I've had several believe I was psychic, and it baffled me as I tried to explain I'm not. It's these sensations in emotions that ride along the fields that anyone could tap into (if it's one of the external applications we are exposed to). People and situations all have an energy that has an intent to it. Perhaps not always a human enough intent to fully comprehend, but there just the same. We're all receivers, and amplifiers and by extension capable of being broadcasters.

Right! And this is an area that Persinger was into from a scientific perspective - his papers can be very bizarre as they need a knowledge of physics and neurology, and personal experiences. Shame he passed away. The Noetic Institute is also looking in this area. I think you'd also like Ingo Swann's writings.

We have powers and we are never taught what to do with them!
At the deepest level, this whole shitshow is a spiritual skam.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

According to the knowledge I got from reading articles and reading books about health Hallucinations are false perceptions that occur in the absence of an external stimulus. This false perception can occur in any of the five senses. Therefore, hallucinations are basically seeing, hearing, touching, tasting, or smelling something that is not really there. Some people who experience hallucinations realize that they are just false perceptions, but others actually believe that what they are experiencing is real.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Right, one of the trainings in shamanism and other esoteric sciences is precisely in having the correct perception that your hallucinations are not real :-)
The misperception is in believing they are real and external.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

but hallucinations can sometimes also be caused by drug abuse or excessive alcohol consumption, fever, sadness due to the loss of a loved one, depression.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Many thanks :-)


The area he talks of is much vaster than words, and as I mention words themselves often are the cause of leading us away from the totality of ourselves. A large part of the problem is so many believing words could ever capture something so awesome as the mysterious wonderful things that make up who we are and what takes place within and around us. The spell(ing)s are a great tool that many have been tricked into believing can make all accessible when in fact the tool is designed to narrow down through exclusion for a specific type of clarity that by default excludes the larger picture that isn't the intent of the focus. The tool has enslaved and led many away, entranced so many until they lost connection with the very spark that breathes life into them.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Spells can be used with self-knowledge to somewhat undo those spells that come from outside.
I have been reluctant to spell this out (lol) in posts, but one of my alts, @aakom, the word does exist: it means spell or incantation in Thai ;-)
Maybe we are way past caution, and there is little futher damage that can be done to entranced minds!

Maybe we are way past caution, and there is little futher damage that can be done to entranced minds!

I've looked into some of the more evil actions they can use on others. Youtube has deleted this video a lot, and this one was very hard to find. I can't even find her original full length speech anymore. Wait, I found it. Going to download it now before it is hidden more or deleted.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

random thought - have u read Mental Liberation by Kerth Barker?

I've not, but on looking it up I want to now.

I found his website, unfortunately a common theme I'm seeing with a lot of sites like this is it's not secure.

I've read a few websites in regards to the deprogramming, and it appears a dangerous endeavor as through fractionating these peoples minds they create some fragments that will attempt to commit suicide if attempts are made to get past them to some of the root fragments.

I don't know the status of Cathy O'Briens (the woman in the video)daughter currently. They got her earlier and were able to instill the full programs they use on her, where as with her mother the foundation causing the fractionation had been from her father/family.

I love her continued narrative that they are using the term National Security to always cover up the crimes they commit. It's a shame so many are unaware of these stories. I used to be skeptical on many claims (still am to a degree because of all the disinformation truthers) but as I began looking I was shocked at how many real whistleblowers there are, just the media doesn't report (unless to slander) those who call out the corruption.

He has another book I just saw that he is a conduit for others who are afraid of publicly attaching their names to their experiences in deprogramming these unwitting mind slaves.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

thx, yeah the disinfo-truthers everywhere - why I also tend to steer clear - in this case is a fascinating theory of mind - that one can kinda hoodwink a memory by approaching it from the side rather than full frontal. That makes sense with an electromagnetic theory of mind and what all the biomagnetites actually do,

Think of a magnetic field created by many magnets - one can change the whole field by just rotating one magnet. Such research exists but is purely in the service of creating meat-bots.

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

btw, all the books are avail at the usual place =

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