RE: Shackled minds - MONKEY magic

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Shackled minds - MONKEY magic

in media •  2 years ago 

This is just yet another attempt for divide, control, and to keep people away from one another, as everyone knows, we are stronger together.
I honestly am shocked how many smart people buys into these shitshows.
Ive lost many friends over the last two years.
And was labelled selfish and other stuff, for trusting my intuition and my immune system.
I never once put a mask on, I hugged everyone, no test have touched my nose, and I would rather kill myself than let them vaxxinate me.

Now we are back to square one to test who buys into this shit again.
And personally i think it will continue till people buy into it instead of using their common sense.

Ive asked my mother during the "pandemic":
If you didnt have a tv, internet, news, etc; how would you know there is a deadly virus?
She was just stuttering and couldnt say a word.
I asked her, do you see dead bodies on the street? Are people you try to reach, all dead?
No! So use your mind!

Now we are here with our monkey mind, monkey pox whatever shit again.
But i still trust that one day they will wake up. . .🙏🏻

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You are a very smart person to be able to see through the lies, seems most are not, I do pity them, but not much because they drag us all down with them, I always say use your eyes first, trust the news last and start with politicians are full of shit and work your way down.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

They only drag us down if we let them. We gotta keep going up and forward, and if they decide not to join us this way let them fall. Sorry Im brutal on this 😅
Not everyone meant to learn their lesson this lifetime.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Not everyone going to survive to see 2030 even if they keep virtue signaling and doing the mass psychosis formation bs, they will get what they deserve, but hey, in the meantime they get to call us names for not joining in with their indoctrination to death by virtue signal.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

which is fine. . .2030 will only bring what we hope (well i trust, not hope), if the vibration on Earth is high enough. Now we are selecting those who are not willing to raise their vibration , and not willing to work on themselves, so whats happening now is filtering. . .I know i sound awful and brutal, but I am realistic and practical 😅

  ·  2 years ago  ·  


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Sadly most will wake up when they already wear striped jumpsuits and there about to tattoo a number in there neck's wondering why the guy in the corner of the room is pointing a shotgun at them .
As history repeats it's self i can see that this madness will pass , as it always did .
Al authoritarian dictatorial systems failed in the end , collapsed because they hollowed themselves out .
A ruler using fear as the base to control is not going to last , most fear will become based on bullshit made up story's ,.. and in the end ,.. you can scare some people sometimes ,. but you can't scare all the people all of the time .

So yeah , we are at "that" point in history again ,.. how bad it will get this time ?,.. i do not know yet , but i do know ,.. the worst is yet to come . ;-)

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

the worst is yet to come

I agree. It's not bad enough for people, just yet, so it has to become worst for them to wake up. . .but knowing that we are protected while this is happening is important, and once its over, we will be glad we didnt learn the hard way

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