You can choose to believe "them" if you want.
But project fear and agenda 2030 are real, depopulation by anyway possible.
Take a look at the Georgia guide-stones for information.
A nudge in the right direction =
A snippet =
- Maintain humanity under 500,000,000 in perpetual balance with nature.
- Guide reproduction wisely – improving fitness and diversity.
- Unite humanity with a living new language.
- Rule passion – faith – tradition – and all things with tempered reason.
- Protect people and nations with fair laws and just courts.
- Let all nations rule internally resolving external disputes in a world court.
- Avoid petty laws and useless officials.
- Balance personal rights with social duties.
- Prize truth – beauty – love – seeking harmony with the infinite.
10.Be not a cancer on the earth – Leave room for nature – Leave room for nature.

If people are willing to put up with the nonsense from government and the media, plus the alleged health industry will gladly play along if they are paid to inject everyone again, close hospitals too like they did during the plandemic that was so deadly that over worked doctors and nurses were doing choreographed dance routines, oh - and getting the clap.
IF and a big if, not just computer generated alleged images of some pox from a monkey is real, here is what to do.
I am old school and old; when I was young, many moons ago - when one child in the street had alleged chicken pox, we would have a children's party so that all the children could allegedly get it, and then we all got on with our lives.
So if the govscum, the fakestream media and alleged doctors want us to believe this slight of truth/hand then by orders of me, have a party.
You only have to look back over the last 20 years the alleged viruses they have tried to con us with, bird flu, swine flu etc etc.
And I am bored of it all now.
I went 2 years un-masked, un-vaxxed and am still here wooooopppppeeeee.
I will play this next bs the same, not interested in pox, monkeys or politicians.
Wait. The only monkeys I see are politicians.
We need to cull the monkeys in poli-tiks.
I can see it now, the virtue signalling Monika on facebook coming to a laptop near you soon.
Weird is it not how Silicon valley move in tandem, walk the same walk, ban ANY dissenting voice, anyone that questions this nonsense.
And the alleged scientists are already rubbing their hands with glee, PAYDAY incoming yippee.
I bet Fauci has not slept since he heard about this plandemic, sorry poxdemic, His sweaty palms will be itching for some TV time to tell us all to stay home, for the greater good, wear 10 masks will it be this time.???? Maybe monkey hazmat suits? Black not white this time?......
And all the politicians have already booked their parties for when they say those two precious words "lock down" and the other 2 "self isolate" so if you do play along with this monkey magic, expect to have to live it forever more, every couple of months, for the rest of your life.

They are making my life easier with regards something to write about, tomorrow is funday-sunday then Monday I will cover the steemit scamdemic.
Have a superb Saturday, get on with your life and ignore the media and monkeyticians in poli-ticks...........
This is just yet another attempt for divide, control, and to keep people away from one another, as everyone knows, we are stronger together.
I honestly am shocked how many smart people buys into these shitshows.
Ive lost many friends over the last two years.
And was labelled selfish and other stuff, for trusting my intuition and my immune system.
I never once put a mask on, I hugged everyone, no test have touched my nose, and I would rather kill myself than let them vaxxinate me.
Now we are back to square one to test who buys into this shit again.
And personally i think it will continue till people buy into it instead of using their common sense.
Ive asked my mother during the "pandemic":
If you didnt have a tv, internet, news, etc; how would you know there is a deadly virus?
She was just stuttering and couldnt say a word.
I asked her, do you see dead bodies on the street? Are people you try to reach, all dead?
No! So use your mind!
Now we are here with our monkey mind, monkey pox whatever shit again.
But i still trust that one day they will wake up. . .🙏🏻
You are a very smart person to be able to see through the lies, seems most are not, I do pity them, but not much because they drag us all down with them, I always say use your eyes first, trust the news last and start with politicians are full of shit and work your way down.
They only drag us down if we let them. We gotta keep going up and forward, and if they decide not to join us this way let them fall. Sorry Im brutal on this 😅
Not everyone meant to learn their lesson this lifetime.
Not everyone going to survive to see 2030 even if they keep virtue signaling and doing the mass psychosis formation bs, they will get what they deserve, but hey, in the meantime they get to call us names for not joining in with their indoctrination to death by virtue signal.
which is fine. . .2030 will only bring what we hope (well i trust, not hope), if the vibration on Earth is high enough. Now we are selecting those who are not willing to raise their vibration , and not willing to work on themselves, so whats happening now is filtering. . .I know i sound awful and brutal, but I am realistic and practical 😅
Sadly most will wake up when they already wear striped jumpsuits and there about to tattoo a number in there neck's wondering why the guy in the corner of the room is pointing a shotgun at them .
As history repeats it's self i can see that this madness will pass , as it always did .
Al authoritarian dictatorial systems failed in the end , collapsed because they hollowed themselves out .
A ruler using fear as the base to control is not going to last , most fear will become based on bullshit made up story's ,.. and in the end ,.. you can scare some people sometimes ,. but you can't scare all the people all of the time .
So yeah , we are at "that" point in history again ,.. how bad it will get this time ?,.. i do not know yet , but i do know ,.. the worst is yet to come . ;-)
I agree. It's not bad enough for people, just yet, so it has to become worst for them to wake up. . .but knowing that we are protected while this is happening is important, and once its over, we will be glad we didnt learn the hard way
Isn't it odd that a group of baboons is called a congress??? Isn't it also odd that this new scamdemic is coming on the eve of the WHO pandemic treaty -- nothing like a little hysteria to push an agenda. From one old gtuy to another, I'm getting a little fed up with this BS! I'm gathering info for an article similar to yours.
They assume we are as dumb as them, because all they ever knew was regurgitate and repeat education, poli-tiks that is.
Absolutely! Educarion is learning to think, not to memorize. T.H. White (The Once and Future King) once said: "The essence of education is knowledge, and the essence of knowledge is application." If you can't use it, there's no sense in learning it.
Honestly thinking now that it is not even worth writing about anymore, because the morons will believe anything the TV spouts.

I'm doing an article on the broader context of Event 201, the election, etc.
Make it a short one, most it seems have the attention span of a gnat.
I have a problem doing that. In college when the prof asked for 5 pages, I turned in 20.
Round two and I'm not playing again 🤣
Bored of politicians, media, alleged doctors and so called scientists, the lot need to cull themselves.
Did you hear they're using the old smallpox vaccine for the monkeypox? Well doesn't that just blow ALL their vaccine theories out of the ball park? Not to mention the smallpox vaccine caused more deaths than anything else in the world including wars and famines.
I guess people are just not dying fast enough for their goal by 2030 so they gotta up the anti.
Now I know you will get this 1 in an instant
Yup good one
haha, twitter as well will do it. Elon will again act like he's caring about people. lol
Silly-con valley pushes any govscum agenda just like all media does.
wait. what?! Smallpox!?
smallpox bigpox chickenpox monkeypox it's all bollox

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