RE: Men can both build civilization and destroy it

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Men can both build civilization and destroy it

in masculinity •  2 years ago 

Personally, I really enjoyed how you worded your piece. I was expecting some feminist propaganda, but there's a lot of stuff that I agree with.

Men, just as women, can be good or evil. The power that we obtain in life is refurbished into the power we can exert onto others. The power is neutral, but it is the person wielding the power that can sway a negative force or a positive one. People can start a business of rockets, one to send us to space and another to release warheads across the entire planet, but the power of rocketry in of itself is neutral. Men have been at the forefront of 'progress' and 'destruction' for several recorded millennium's and as the equality of women expands throughout the world. The power of progress and destruction will be distributed among women accordingly as well. No human is a saint and we're all capable of greatness or destruction when given the opportunity.

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