Men can both build civilization and destroy it

in masculinity •  2 years ago 

Lately, I have been seeing more and more news that fires have become more frequent due to the fault of men. Recently there was news that in a village next to mine, a man set fire to his girlfriend's house after she refused him. And the other day, in my village, there was a fire in an apartment building, also due to a drunken man who was married, and now his wife is collecting money to repair the apartment.


But as someone who can read signs, I understand the deeper meanings of the events taking place. And what could that mean for you and me?

The fact is that fires mean powerful, hot energy of a destructive nature. And why are fires initiated by men? We know that men are stronger, more mighty and powerful beings. They build civilizations, create science, and so on. This means that this power of theirs has been turned into a weapon for the destruction of this very civilization.


We know that everything in our life is dual. One coin has two sides. And which side we will use is up to us. Similarly, degradation from above has taken male strength and power, and instead of using it with the + sign, it uses it with the - sign.

And how does it happen? It is no coincidence that all these stories were tied to inter-gender relationships. In the first story, the woman refused her boyfriend, and in the second case, the man was married and therefore turned into a drunkard. So the point is that the relationship between a man and a woman, that is, love, is perverted to the most absurd state. Never in the history of mankind has love been replaced by the dirtiest dirt, such as venality, betrayal, commercialism, hatred, etc.

And when propaganda, together with women, forces men to spend all their strength and power on instincts, breeding, careers, competition for resources, lust, etc., then what kind of outcome do we expect? They made a low-quality biorobot out of men, designed for the low needs of corrupt women and their own lusts.


And therefore, men cannot direct all their power into a creative channel, towards creativity, towards good discoveries. Men slide into degradation, and when their reason is completely turned off, then all their power is consumed by the animal nature. Therefore, they take revenge by setting houses on fire, because their conscience and reason are turned off. And so they drink and smoke until they burn their apartment in this drunken animal frenzy.

Therefore, when you women are left without a roof over your head, and you now have to ask for money from the world for housing, then you ask yourself one question: “What did I do that brought my husband to such an animal state?”

Surely you initially chose henpecked, having met him at a party. After all, such a man is easier to engage than someone decent. After all, in order to achieve a decent one, you yourself need to correspond to such a status, but you are too lazy to develop. And besides, a decent man will not pay for you, succumb to your wishes and whims, but a blockhead from the party will go to work on an oil rig and carry all the money to you.


Then you probably nagged and manipulated him. You made him jealous, gave him ultimatums. All this unsettled him and deprived him of cold common sense. And for sure you sent him to an unloved job, where the boss drank all his nerves and strength out of him.

I'm not talking about those situations when you take children and property from a man, leaving them without any hope in their hearts.

Therefore, remember that a man can create a rocket to fly into space, or he can create a rocket to destroy the whole world. And how his power will be used depends on who lives in a man, a human being or an animal. And the women who are the object of love of these men have the most influence on who will dominate in this man over his actions. And if you help to ensure that his power goes to development, then you will live in an evolving world of discoveries and love. And if you help a man to become an instinctive animal, then don't be surprised later why you are beaten, your houses are on fire, you get into accidents, and so on.


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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Personally, I really enjoyed how you worded your piece. I was expecting some feminist propaganda, but there's a lot of stuff that I agree with.

Men, just as women, can be good or evil. The power that we obtain in life is refurbished into the power we can exert onto others. The power is neutral, but it is the person wielding the power that can sway a negative force or a positive one. People can start a business of rockets, one to send us to space and another to release warheads across the entire planet, but the power of rocketry in of itself is neutral. Men have been at the forefront of 'progress' and 'destruction' for several recorded millennium's and as the equality of women expands throughout the world. The power of progress and destruction will be distributed among women accordingly as well. No human is a saint and we're all capable of greatness or destruction when given the opportunity.