RE: Who are the Lizard People ? Be careful of War Propaganda

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Who are the Lizard People ? Be careful of War Propaganda

in lizard •  3 years ago  (edited)

Ha thanks :) the first couple of chapters delve into the mists of history (the introduction of which covers the formation of the archetypal divine right to rule) - but if you want to quantify the governing bloodlines behind modern institutional hierarchy, I will be laying it out over the next few chapters. The reason it's a long series is because rather than shouting out generic names - I'm going to take the time to put my money where my mouth is and incrementally substantiate my claims.

Just to clarify, I don't think lizard people are taking over the world. :D I also don't profess to know the inner workings of Putin's mind, what I do know is that whatever it is or isn't - there are innocent people caught up within it.

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  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

Putin sure seems to be acting like some kind of evil demon. He seems to be possessed by the devil. Is he the anti- Christ ? He seems to be against the Jewish people.

Haha! I guess you'll have to draw your own conclusions. Personally, with the Georgian invasion still fairly fresh in the old memory banks - I'd say he wasn't acting too far out of character. But maybe your eagle eye has spotted something I've missed???? ;) lol

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Suppose Putin is not a reptilian, then he would actually be fighting against them and we should be with him, except of course if some of us happen to be reptiles but only of the serf type. Look I started hearing about reptile people back in the seventies when I started reading conspiracy theory stuff, so David Icke didn't start it, personally i think it is just a crazy idea, probably started to scare children, then became an urban legend and has now become cult like. I think people should think this through, why would the most powerful beings on earth hide their true form from us weak humans? This must be one of them:


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

It’s all very strange.

Funnily enough, the only person I've heard talking about lizards is you. lol

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

I must be a lizard person then ga ga ha ga


  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Actually …. It’s a Secret code word for the Global Elite. You have written a lot about them.,

True, but I've never said they were lizards. ;)

  ·  3 years ago  ·   (edited)

What do you call them ? Nefilim ? Also in the Sefer Yetzirah or Bahir … Han’filim hayu va-aretz bayamim haheym,

  ·  3 years ago  ·  

Have you read the Sefer Yetzirah ?

Science teaches that there are 3 levels of human brain (Vegetable - Reptile - Human). Kabbalah calls them Assiya, Yetzirah, and Beriah. When our Neshamah comes into our body we are able to actually go to Beriah of Assiya. But to go to Beriah of Yetzirah we must transform ourselves through Kadusha, Mitzvot, cleansing, and other aspects. We will no longer be human beings when we do that. There have been people through out history to accomplish this. Chanoch ben Yered is one. Eliyahu Hanavi is another. Yehuda Hanasi is another. Is this what you want?

Chayot have 4 faces and 16 wings.

There is a relationship between these levels.

Higher Selves are our Mazel by the Gaon B'Vilna.

Sixth Chapter refers to the Teli. Usually as the dragon or the Milky Way. Those in the know (my teacher) says Teli are dragons. Kaplan quotes a discussion from a book on the Chariot that says the Teli are reptilian humanoids who know the secrets of creation and other secrets and have permission to give these to humans. In exchange for what? Kaplan says that they are in a particular place called vilon which My teacher says is the middle point between normal space and Dark Matter. Kaplan says that the Teli are Kings of space but not part of space. Other words for the same thing. Kaplan says the Teli are spiritual beings who are lowered to the physical and interact with the physical. My teacher says the Teli are the watchers from the Book of Daniel.Teli being reptilian have a relationship to the Serafim. Can you explain what it is?
