Designated Driver

in lifestyle •  7 months ago 

Philipp Katzenberger - Unsplash

Maybe it's just me, but when one of the girls at school has her quinceañera, it seems like the celebrations spread throughout the city.

Lorena thought so too, and at 14 years old, it would soon be her turn! Meanwhile, she went out of her way to attend all the parties she was invited to, and that with her parents' permission she could attend, as long as she returned before midnight.

For her, the issue of the hour was a pain, but she tried to enjoy it as much as she could without breaking the agreement, to be able to get permission again for the next celebration.

The next one would be her best friend's, Susana, who lived 10 minutes from home. Then, the next one would be hers. But a small detail changed everything: she didn't count that the delivery of bulletins at school would be a few days before and her grades had dropped quite a bit.

Upon receiving such news, Almira, her mother, made a drastic decision: no more parties! Lorena was inconsolable, because it was not only her best friend's, but they would cancel everything they had planned for her own celebration. It was a double blow, in addition to the fact that she would be the only one without a 15 party at school that year.

Gorka, her best friend, tried to console her during recess. He really hurt to see her like this, because he knew how important it was for her to share that day with her friend. So he came up with a plan.

Mauricio and Fabiana prepared that day to go to dinner at her parents' house. They had a pleasant news to share with them after their return to the country. And although it was already quite notorious and known, they didn't want to comment on it through a phone call.

When they arrived, a cry of surprise from Carmen, Fabiana's mother, said it all. "Why didn't you tell us you're expecting a baby!" was the only thing she could say before hugging them.

"Mom, we didn't want to interrupt your spiritual retreat, or cut the magic of the trip you've been planning for years," said a 5-month-old Fabiana.

The news also came late for them, when they found out about her condition she was already 3 months pregnant with a baby whose sex they knew a couple of days before: it would be a girl they would call Victoria.

Dinner turned out to be a celebration for everyone. The stories of the retreat along with the stories of the pregnancy made the meeting long, which extended until midnight. A phone call made them say goodbye. Violeta, the girlfriend of Mauricio's brother, was asking if they could pick her up in the neighboring urbanization, because the 15 party was already over and the taxi driver she had agreed with, was not answering her call.

Mauricio tells her that they are already on their way, and after saying goodbye, the couple is about to do so. They lived in the same area, so it was not annoying to do the favor for little Violeta, whom Mauricio recognized as a little sister.

For his part, Gorka had everything planned, and although at first it didn't seem right to him, Lorena ended up agreeing, because she didn't want to miss the party. Later she would catch up with classes and grades. "You don't always turn 15", she repeated over and over again.

The message arrived at the agreed time: "I'll be waiting for you at the corner." Lorena discreetly left through the window of her room, the only one in the house that didn't have a protector and through which her tiny body fit perfectly.

With shoes in hand, she arrives at the agreed site, overflowing with fear and at the same time happiness. Nobody at home noticed that she left after saying goodnight to her parents wearing her pink pajamas.

At the party, her fears dissipated. She was so happy to be there that she danced and drank Coca-Cola with a little of the rum that Gorka had brought hidden. It was her first time drinking liquor, but what the hell, she was still punished, what worse could happen?

They were in Gorka's old car, which knew the trick to turn it on without keys, and was learning to drive it on weekends in the mall parking lot.

They agreed to respect the usual time to return home. So at midnight, they left there, a little dizzy from the rum.

On the avenue, a long one that seemed to never end, Gorka felt like vomiting. He was on the expressway, feeling the adrenaline at a million, so they did not stop, on the contrary, he decided to speed up to get home quickly to Lorena.

Mauricio, for his part, was leaving the urbanization where Violeta was. Always careful, the three wore seat belts, since there were always cars speeding in the early hours on that avenue.

They were already near the entrance to the area where they lived when they saw a car flying over theirs. From the rest, everything was darkness ... Only the security camera at the entrance could finish the story and give a little peace to those who that day stopped having a light ...

Gorka's car lost control and jumped over the protective barrier of the opposite channel, at the precise moment when Mauricio's was about to enter the urbanization.

One by one the six lives went out ...

After recognizing those involved, the police went to Lorena's house. Her parents insisted on denying everything, because their daughter was sleeping in her room.

When they went to verify their affirmations, a slight breeze that entered through the window that was left open, waiting for her return, moved the curtain of the room.

When Almira breaks into tears, the movement ceases. Lorena was the last to leave this earthly plane in the emergency room of the hospital.


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