What do you do to maintain and enhance your physical and mental health?

in lifestyle •  8 months ago 


I think that in some sense, the fundamental problem we all face both on the physical side and the mental side has so much to do with unaddressed complexities.

There are times when people's lives become overwhelmed by complexities which causes a lot of suffering and grows beyond our control. Imagine being smashed by so many catastrophic situations; the economy is a mess, you lost your job and your relationship with your family is suffering. If all these happen at the same time, it creates the type of hardship and complexity that makes people wish for death.

If you factor in the fact that an average person is dealing with so many complexities that bring suffering, it makes it easier to see why folks are getting unhealthy, depressed and suicidal.

What do you do to maintain and enhance your physical and mental health?

I like to take this from the angle of "whatever works for you is acceptable" so, I'm not going to generalize anything. However, I will highlight a few of the things I do to be in decent physical and mental well-being. They are;

For My Physical Well-being;

Cleanliness is something I rate very high and maintaining very good hygiene is part of the things I believe that keeps me in very good physical health condition. Since I live alone, it's so much easier to do that. I can clean my house and be sure that no one else is coming to litter stuff around. I drink clean water and the clothes in my wardrobes are always neatly arranged.

My nutrient intake also does its magic. I'm always careful of what I eat and the quantity I eat. I also try to eat healthy. I'm not sure if I can boast of the consumption of a balanced diet. I've also heard that breakfast is the most important meal of the day, but I can't boast of that since I don't usually take breakie. However, the ones I eat work well.

Exercising is very important and I try to fit that into my daily activity. As someone who works remotely, it can be very easy to sit down in one place and work from morning to night. That's not exactly very healthy for me since it makes my joints ache. To balance things out, there are several intervals when I step out of my seat to get involved with physical exercises. I also have it in my routine to go out for a walk, at least 5 times each week.

For My Mental Well-being;

There is so much stress involved with the life I'm currently living. These things can easily lead to intense mental distress if it's not taken care of. That's why making an effort to cut down on stress is very important for me.

To do that, there are moments when I take time off work to watch TV shows, watch football, spend quality time with family and also grow my relationship. Oh! I also try to improve my sleeping schedule. These things help me to be in the right frame of mind.

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