No Sign of Intelligence - 5 Minutes Freewrite.

in lifestyle •  last year 

You know what happens when life hits hard and pushes you down. In such situations, what would you do? Will you try to get back up or would you push yourself down an incorrigible path?

Nobody asks for misfortune, but the way we act when faced with one is always a good display of the values we hold dear. It also shows the level of intelligence we have.

Take Josh for an example;


When Josh came face to face with a series of catastrophic situations that led to the loss of his job, he became very bitter and resentful and his life from then started to turn into a nightmare. As far as he's concerned, "It sucks to be sacked from a job he contributed so much into".

No doubt, it truly sucks to be in that situation and digging deeper can let us know if it's fair or unfair treatment towards him. However, what Josh did next will blow your mind.

His anger took over him and he completely disconnected himself from the rest of the world. He spent every money he had managed to save up in pubs, drinking from dawn to dusk. After living like that for a few months, he ran out of money and even went ahead to take out loans from friends and family.

The last 6 months have been a living hell for Josh and his debt is crumbling.

He took an already bad situation and made it into the worst possible turn of events by digging a deeper pit for himself. There is no sign of intelligence in his actions.

Could he have done something better?

Yeah! I'm not saying it's easy, but I've seen people who hold onto their integrity even when they are dealing with catastrophic situations and I'm always filled with admiration for them. Josh could have done so many things differently, but he didn't.

What about y'all?

How do you act when you are faced with a catastrophic situation?

Thanks For Not Missing Any Full-stop Or Comma.
I wrote this as an entry to today's edition of 5 minutes freewrite writing prompt.
Thumbnail image is taken from Unsplash.

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  ·  last year  ·  

Sadly, Josh's actions did not blow my mind. But they did pay for my drinks.

Bless Josh and his short-sighted actions.