RE: The Ultimate Property Right

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The Ultimate Property Right

in life •  2 years ago 

Found this too

The fundamental question for bioelectromagnetics is the identification of the biochemical and
biophysical conditions under which applied magnetic fields (MFs) could be recognized by cells in
order to further modulate cell and tissue functioning. This actually is achieved by identifying and
investigating resonance and window conditions.

1975 idea.

Electromagnetic Fields in Biology and Medicine-1482248506.pdf


very good book.
like I said, before one can find a cure, best to understand what that might even look like. :-)
it might not be that such tumors need killing, but rather need a signal to inform them they are in the wrong place.

also interesting how your ref paper talks about insomnia. I have long thought that a large influence, esp in urban areas, is the constant pulsed microwave signals that interfere with some people's ability to decrease their brain frequency down to sleep levels.

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  ·  2 years ago  ·  

For decades, the idea of thermal effects in bioelectromagnetics had been introduced and became
the subject of intensive discussions, related to specific absorption rate (SAR) as useful criteria. It
is clear that SAR requires a threshold value determination. I am categorically against the thermal
approach as the only possible mechanism for EMF interactions. This approach continues for several
decades based upon the engineering approach developed by ICNIRP and IEEE committees. They
went even further, claiming that “only possible biological mechanism of EMF interaction is thermal” (Cho and D’Andrea, 2003).

This is how the propaganda was created, affirmed and spread. They are liars.
I know - I've been in meetings where we were told that the word "resonance" shall never be mentioned in any "science communication" context.

Keep the propaganda going.
microwaves = ovens = thermal
the blindingly obvious fact that microwave telephony also carries information should never be translated into "biological information" - that is, effects.

The IEEE include the bastards who are perfectly aware of the resonant frequencies of air molecules, but only as engineering concerns, coz, well, water and oxygen have nothing to do with life, right!