I take offence at that !.....for some reason....but I'm not a liberty to tell you what the reason is. - because don't wanna.
I never knew there was a council of offended people...Can I join ? (as chairman)
Shackled minds - Bali
I take offence at that !.....for some reason....but I'm not a liberty to tell you what the reason is. - because don't wanna.
I never knew there was a council of offended people...Can I join ? (as chairman)
I am offended by you being offended.
I'm positivly shaking at you being more offended than me - soooooo fucking offensive...
Al-kai-blurter !
Unsure what you mean, I am now offended, because! and will have to upvote my own comment, to cement my position.
terrorisit ?- alqueeda - alkaiblurter...oh do catch up !