Supporting My Mother

in life •  last year 

My mother is coming back from her trip to Europe in a few short days so I'm looking forward to seeing her. We didn't get to spend Mother's Day together because of her trip. Hopefully, we'll be able to do something fun.

My mother should be returning on the 25th of May and my sister and I are thinking about doing something for her. More than likely we're going out to eat to discuss some family stuff and to talk about her trip. My mother has been working very hard lately and has also taken on more overtime hours so that she can buy a new house soon. I'm trying to earn as much as possible too so I can help her fix the house. She's been feeling confident lately, so I want to make sure I can be an asset to her when she needs me.

I'm not sure what other gift I can give her other than my labor and support. As I've said before, I'm not good at giving gifts to people. It just isn't my thing. lol

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