Behind Close Doors On Love & Relationship

in life •  3 years ago 

I definitely go through periods where I'm in a particular mood, or there's a consistent imaginative context that I feel I'm in, and I'm drawn to certain things. I can sometimes feel it when I'm moving away from something that I was once interested in - an idea or an exploration of particular relationships. I go, 'Well, I think I've done that and I don't want to do it again."' Tom Hiddleston

Recently, I have begun to have this thoughts about having to spend the rest of my life with someone "I love". Sometimes I feel so excited, in ancipation of growing alongside this other person, my place of comfort...building a home. Other times I feel scared, lost and worried with so many questions in my head, more so as I draw closer to that stage.

Over the years even up till now, I have always admired couples who portray themselves as "living their best" know those couples you see and you just can't help but "aww" at them. You
love the friendship they have, the chemistry and you just want that for yourself. However, I used the word portray because you can only see what they want you to see.

What lies behind closed doors?

I bet we all thought at some point that if we could marry that person, as we like to refer to them as "the one" then our lives would be an endless happiness. But is that really so? That is, if there's even anything like "the one". I have heard and read stories of people who got married to the they thought, but later became a shadow of themselves before the vows even got settled in. Some are lonely, yet with their spouse, even in marriage....I bet they swore that they couldn't do without each other and I ask myself how? How did they grow apart? What did they do wrong? What did they miss?

You got any answers? No....yes?

Okay so, How long do I need to know someone before making the big decision?

Funny thing is, it is never about how long you were with the person. While some dated for years got married and still went their separate ways in a couple of years later, some others dated for few months and are doing pretty well for themselves. What matters more are the individuals in the relationship....their intentional efforts to making it work and consistency in the relationship. Am I willing to try when things get tough? like someone said, "Marriage is work".

"We used to be happy, we used to have deep conversations...we used to do things together, even despite our busy schedule....I don't know what happened", this is the story of many out there.

Can we truly understand someone fully?

What does love mean to you?

Being in relationship means being in love. Love means acceptance : Praise the good, accept the flaws and provide the inspiration to change. Love is neither a moment nor a feeling, it is the existence of togetherness. - lifehack

Then again, I guess there is nothing that can prepare you for the journey of marriage/ is your choice, your experience. It is left to you at the end of the day to make the home you want....or at least try. Nah, I shouldn't flood my thoughts with the downsides of it, there are good sides to it also.. if I am willing, patient and intentional about it.

If not that, what else can a girl do?

Click on images for the source, images used are from Pixabay...except otherwise specified. 💮


"I am @bliss11, a fun writer, a vlogger and a positive thinker. I love to explore different possibilities and I believe dreams are achievable".

Original post written by @bliss11


Gracias! ❤❤

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