It might push him a bit if you say that otherwise this will be burned .
No matter if it has followers ,. inactive is inactive . ;-)
Launching Operation Reach Out!
It might push him a bit if you say that otherwise this will be burned .
No matter if it has followers ,. inactive is inactive . ;-)
We will see. I think telling him he's already got 50,000 blurt and a login here will help too.
he's also tied into the show @timcast with Ian who helped build Minds.Com
Then again ,.. luke is a post and run guy ,.. only commented ever on the downvoting and never much on comments with's questions his post's . There is no engagement by him what so ever ,. it is the reason that Hive started downvoting him . He also never looks or votes on other users posts . He is only collecting rewards and never upvotes a reward to an other .
Don't get me wrong ,.. i like Luke ,. a ancap like me ,.. and that said ,.. good luck with reeling him in .
May Ultra show him some smiles and skin ,.. and make a fool of herself some more ,. lol .
Oh'while your at it ,.. try persuading the dollar vigilante to come to blurt with his whole crew .
Or what about Larken Rose ? ,.. why don't you set your "libiral" mindset to that ?
And see how that will work out for you , coconut man .
Luke ! there is 100 dollar worth of shit coin in your never asked for blurt account .
LOL ,. he will just come and take it as the opportunist he is .
Why are you refering to me as a liberal? I'm about as conservative as it gets. No tattoos, no earings, very socialy and financially conservative. No vax, believe 9-11 was an inside job since 2002. Have been against all wars the fake wars. Never took a side regarding ukraine russia. Not ibto lgbtqrst non of that stuff. I know what is going on here. You re smokin what lucylin is selling and you should quit asap.
As far a not interested in paying him to comment on my posts or any posts. Im interested in him or others willing with a similar reach to just leave a link to blurt on their websites or promote to an outside audience. That is of great value.
That is business sense, end of story.
This has nothing to do with libtards.....unfortunately Im gonna have to stop entertaining your comments as you ve proven yourself to be high as F on lucylin's bullshit, which I ve reviewed and is in fact the complete polar oppsite of the truth and what is happening in regards to me and my activities here on Blurt.
I think if anyone’s a liberal it’s him cause his entire job appears to be arguing all day with people on the internet and getting triggered by everything ... isn’t that the definition of a liberal?
All I know, is that this kind of social behavior and labeling of myself based on total in the very least fascinating, and maybe even flattering to an extent! lol
The word liberal is wrongly used for so long now , that you have no clue about it's true and original meaning . Your describing a libtard social commie lefty ,. now try stick that on me .

Framing and calling my engagement on social media out as ,.. being triggered ,.. lol .
Trysomemore ,.. dig some deeper .
Any conservatives in the room ,..
LOLLOL ,.. one may call me liberated ,.. but i ain't no modern day liberal .
Changed that title for jolly pirate long ago .
you were so triggered by it you thought I was talking about you when I wasn't lol I was referring to lucylin who acts just like a liberal snowflake online. I wasn't even referring to you. I am glad you wrote me a huge defence reply though :)
You replied on a reply of a comment that i made ,.. i couldn't care less who you where referring to . Still most readers going true it will not be clear on who you exactly where referring to . So if i took it as a remark on me ,.. it only came from your own lack of clear communication .
Just don't twist and turn like that ,.. it's ugly .
As if not pointed at me ,.. the principles i laid out did not change . Your glad i put up a defense ,. well good to hear ,.. but ,. did you get any of it ?
That's his style. He's been trying to tell others I'm a police officer for about a week now. It helps him win arguments (in his mind) to fabricate shit then pretend it is fact.
Yes. I'm noticing a lot of that going on lately. The good news is almost nobody is buying what "they" are selling, as "he" is certainly not alone. But the group of them has never been smaller. The whole dynamic has turned to nothing more than flea on a dogs ass. lol To me, all of them are a big whatever at this point. There is nothing left to do but ignore them or laugh at them. But engaging them in a serious manner is a total waste of time.
I've always been a fan of giving more rope and letting others watch how far they run with it. :)
Me too, but Im all out of
We need to fix 'problems at home' firrt , rather than pretending everything is ok....encouraging nero to keep playing on his fiddle, while rome is burning, is not a good business strategy...
No need to do something like that. Always attract and strengthen connections. We can also do a bit of salting the oats. lol! 😆