bitter ? Always better then toxic ,.
And in a way i understand why Blurt feels bitter to you , .
Your welcome to feel that way , it's your opinion , and you are free to share that on Blurt . Freedom of speech , means even a minority in your opinion like you are now has the right to speak freely about it .
You won't gain much do , as most opinions(people) on Blurt think otherwise , .. but he' if you wan't to be in that little corner on Blurt to grumble and snog about the bitterness of Blurt ,.. go ahead , i can't see any fun in that , but some like a spot like that , you might just be that masochistic , i don't not know .
Might even read your ramblings and pass some salt in the comments .
RE: Shackled minds - themarkymark - 350bhp - a builder. bi-fuel - tri-fuel
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Shackled minds - themarkymark - 350bhp - a builder. bi-fuel - tri-fuel
LOL he is not worth the time, he can not speak, all he knows is how to bully with a dv button, the coward has no voice here, GOOD!
Well he's trying, Bro! You know, like the little kid on the outside who wants to join in on the fun but doesn't really know who to put his embarrassment and pride to side and just blurt it out, "Hey guys, can I play too?" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hence why I call him a man child, if he speaks, with truth, I will accept his words, but he can stick his crap memes where the sun does not shine, up his own ass. 😂
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
He must be one skinny ugly mofo as he tries to post memes making him look young, muscle toned and good looking, so for a guess he is one fugly mofo.
LOL in your dreams.
Holy Shit Bro, it can actually write a sentence! 😱🤣
Maybe he used his nose to type. 😜
😂 He's a DH... so maybe he used that...? 🍆
Nah! He offered someone an upvote to write it for him, but added that he would downvote them if the word count went over 5! 🤣🤪
I was about to come in with the same 🤣 I couldn’t believe my eyes when I saw words.
sounds like you enjoy it.
2steevc is hot for you, he loves trannies
I love you too! 😍
Anyone noticed Steve likes everything the mark guy posts almost immediately, despite him saying he never logs into blurt and is over on hive? I swear the Steve I met is a totally different person to this Marky shadow. I am kind of wondering if he’s had his account taken over.
Yes I think he has, as that is not normal.
Ho'yes , and when it inflates some more ,.. you will do your trades with toilet paper .

And wipe your sorry ass with cash money .
You do know that paper is worth only paper value and is backed by nothing right? Or are you super retarded?
I got to give you some "gay credit" for that one, well gay, congrats, hope he is worth it cupcake. Freddie Mercury bless him would be proud of that one, by the way, see my last article, you are at number one in the salty bitch charts. P,S, YOU ARE WELCOME.
Does this mark guy ever actually type anything on other sites or just drop memes all the time? These ppl are impossible to converse with, I never had any interaction with him myself, but it’s the most annoying thing when ppl have a complete inability to converse. It’s like trying to talk deep with a baby or a chocolate tea pot or something. I don’t think this person is worth anyone’s time or focus unless you just like seeing random endless none funny memes. I guess without a dv button they don’t have much to say. The beauty of blurt tho is he still has a right to sit there posting memes all day long.. till the blurt runs out anyways then he will be in a predicament of needing to buy more to continue memeing on.
Perhaps they are just ai bots. Have any of them ever said anything that could actually be considered human or displayed an emotion?
The meme king is back i see. @steevc come on your missing upvoting all this quality content. Stop sleeping on the job.
The bots even self vote it seems. Funny how these people claim to be morally against self voting yet just do it themselves on totally worthless posts. The hypocrisy of the hive cabal continues.
Glad to see you getting in some 0 c upvotes for yourself there. I guess they might come in handy now. 🤑