themarkymark on hive getting a taste of his own medicine.
I note with some pleasure, yes I know the saying do not take comfort in others sufferings, but like many on here I have been on the receiving end of themarkymark abuse via downvote for daring to challenge his misguided point of view.
Like others that like to abuse people with the down-vote button, I shut him up via asking him if he had paid his tax and said I know who he is and where he lives.
That worked with Berniesanders too, of course I did not know lol.
Hive on occasions became like going to hell just going there, just the thought of clicking the link to it brought up fear, dread and other emotions, is that a good way to run a site?
This misguided thought that by down-voting anyone hurts only them is insanity at it's finest, as it is the people that voted for them it hurts the most, say for example 50 people voted for me, and their votes are wiped out, how is that hurting me?
abh12345 and meesterboom also gave me a week with no returns from thousands of votes, because the latter did not like the way I talked to him once, and the man child abh can also take zero criticism even when he admits after I was right.
But all the same, nice to see themarkymark getting a spanking for a change.
From what I read on peakd, thesmarmybastardmark started it too.
Azircon, number 1 arsehole on hive, let us not forget that maggot.
My builder is a legend and a piss head.
I have been a full on labourer this week, lord only knows why bricklayers make more money than them, 1 does all the graft, the other sits and throws cement down then a bloody brick.
I picked him up at 6am and he came with beers and started drinking at 6.15am. Legend, I did not join in even though he offered, I had to do things after all.
He is a very young 70 years old is my brick layer.
Good fun to be around, funny character to say the least, I will put a before and after pic up when he is finished building/repairing one of our barns.
350 bhp from a VAG 1.8T.
According to Audi the 1.8 turbo engine is good for 350bhp, so I set about tuning it to that, I am running dual fuel with petrol and LPG and will add HHO or browns gas soon to make it tri-fuel. I am going to piggy back on the LPG injector rail. The car is chipped and went from 180bhp to 225 with that alone.
Larger injectors, hi-lift cam, larger KO4 turbo and the ram air filter sit the bhp at 275bhp at the moment, and my wife thinks both the little a3 turbo and myself are insane, and she is probably correct.
I removed the catalytic convertor too as my wife's god father owns a garage and passes my TUV/mot government yearly test regardless.
To be honest I am kerry packered knackered so that is all the effort I have regards writing today.
Have a superb day ahead. And spare a chuckle or too for this clown, karma indeed.
I know what you feel now Marky Lou Blanco, I just want you to calm down and accept your jail time. Just relax and enjoy music, I got one for you here. It's the time to RIP.. I mean reap what you had sown.
Karma is a bitch. 😂🤣
A salty bitch! 😂🤣
Salty bitch is number 2 in the charts 😂
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
Speak up fruit cake, no mask to hide behind on here, and no nasty little down vote button for you neither, you miserable middle aged fart. 😅😂
bitter ? Always better then toxic ,.

And in a way i understand why Blurt feels bitter to you , .
Your welcome to feel that way , it's your opinion , and you are free to share that on Blurt . Freedom of speech , means even a minority in your opinion like you are now has the right to speak freely about it .
You won't gain much do , as most opinions(people) on Blurt think otherwise , .. but he' if you wan't to be in that little corner on Blurt to grumble and snog about the bitterness of Blurt ,.. go ahead , i can't see any fun in that , but some like a spot like that , you might just be that masochistic , i don't not know .
Might even read your ramblings and pass some salt in the comments .
LOL he is not worth the time, he can not speak, all he knows is how to bully with a dv button, the coward has no voice here, GOOD!
Well he's trying, Bro! You know, like the little kid on the outside who wants to join in on the fun but doesn't really know who to put his embarrassment and pride to side and just blurt it out, "Hey guys, can I play too?" 🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣🤣
Hence why I call him a man child, if he speaks, with truth, I will accept his words, but he can stick his crap memes where the sun does not shine, up his own ass. 😂
😂 😂 😂 😂 😂 😂
LOL in your dreams.
2steevc is hot for you, he loves trannies
I love you too! 😍
Anyone noticed Steve likes everything the mark guy posts almost immediately, despite him saying he never logs into blurt and is over on hive? I swear the Steve I met is a totally different person to this Marky shadow. I am kind of wondering if he’s had his account taken over.
Yes I think he has, as that is not normal.
Ho'yes , and when it inflates some more ,.. you will do your trades with toilet paper .

And wipe your sorry ass with cash money .
You do know that paper is worth only paper value and is backed by nothing right? Or are you super retarded?
I got to give you some "gay credit" for that one, well gay, congrats, hope he is worth it cupcake. Freddie Mercury bless him would be proud of that one, by the way, see my last article, you are at number one in the salty bitch charts. P,S, YOU ARE WELCOME.
Does this mark guy ever actually type anything on other sites or just drop memes all the time? These ppl are impossible to converse with, I never had any interaction with him myself, but it’s the most annoying thing when ppl have a complete inability to converse. It’s like trying to talk deep with a baby or a chocolate tea pot or something. I don’t think this person is worth anyone’s time or focus unless you just like seeing random endless none funny memes. I guess without a dv button they don’t have much to say. The beauty of blurt tho is he still has a right to sit there posting memes all day long.. till the blurt runs out anyways then he will be in a predicament of needing to buy more to continue memeing on.
Only towards certain people, you included.😂
Whats up bud, lost your voice? I feel certain quite a few people on here would love to tell you what they think of you, that I would stake my crypto portfolio on.
Funny how the Blurters revel in someone getting downvoted. The sweet smell of hypocrisy. I only drop in here to see if there's any actual development. No signs of much. I'll stick with Hive even if I get downvotes.
What on earth are you talking about, there is no downvote on here, stick with your sick twisted hive toxic site and no, we do not need you here, thanks for popping in, slam the door on the way out, with your bumboy friend.
Ah Blurt, so welcoming. And people say Hive is toxic 😀
Well the first thing your bumchum said was "salty bitch", then you come on here with nothing good to say about here, but you both had your free tokens in blurt, both cashed them out, so yes, had freebies but still run the site down. If you want to add value say #something positive or get what you give. Github has the blurt code, feel free to make apps, dapps or whatever you want, and stop expecting others to do it for you. Welcome to blurt, home of free speech and not being easily offended.
You lot seem pretty salty. How did you know I was gay? I could find your comments quite offensive.
They actually downvote themselves.
They just don't like downvoting their rewards.
Bitter and twisted. I worry for some of them who accuse Hivers of being satanists etc. Seems plenty of the old St--m/Hive abusers came here to milk with impunity.
Live long and prosper!
Steve fuck off you hive suck up boy, I hope they turn on you one day, so you taste the nastiness of the hive crowd, the group think, at least here we do not have to go along with that, now be a good boy, go get your mRNA jab and shut up, try questioning the logic of mRNA jabs on hive and you get spanked, enjoy, we will not miss you.
Steve gets next to no support from these ppl it’s actually quite sad he’s been on for years , does all the whales dirty work, promotes hive and still getting less than we do over on a platform where the value is 0.02 c. I’m actually rly being serious here, your not getting good support there at all and you rly probably would do better here if you were putting that level of effort in to support blurt I think you would find you had 5 x the support level. These ppl just laugh behind ppls backs who do all this for them, I’ve seen it, I actually find it sad, because deep down Steve is a decent guy, who is being misguided by these ppl and for some reason is choosing not to see what bullies they are, or choosing to turn a blind eye. However no need for us guys to start name calling, two wrongs don’t make a right. There is no need to come out with things like gay and stoop to their level. Blurt accepts anyone or any sexual preference, gender, let’s not start with this pettiness.
Sadly (for you), I don't retard... 🖕😊
I comment, I don't DOWNVOTE you dumb retard... Man you're a DF....
No signs of much? I just checked your hive and you earn less there than I do on blurt when the token value is 0.028 compared to .80 it’s hardly showing you have all this crazy support over on hive, your posts are pretty low support rly, you would actually probably do better here over all.
Welcome to Blurt!
An adult place where butt hurt does not exist, only in themarkymark memes, man child is he not!
LOL. You had me laughing there, nice 1. Come over to Lublin for a weekend sometime for a few beers and a bit of food, holiday weekend.
Off the hook? Can't do it Marky Saltee.
Hey thanks! I'm just here for the lolcows.
I do know who you are, easy to find your history, so shush small child, hush and go back to your vindictive site, may it implode soon.
I am hazarding a guess you are deaf and dumb and have not the ability to speak, or are just plain scared to hear what people will say to you. That makes you a coward.
Look at this retard - He loves BLURT 😂
So much this. I was fortunate really in not getting to many downvotes. They were mostly always from Bernie and he was countering someone on his shit list voting for me usually. I wasn't a fan of his graphic verbal attacks on them when they commented either.
But the last straw for me was a post I wrote where I had named article61 the beneficiary. He was raising funds to try keeping his niece out of foster care. I wasn't even going to receive curation for it. Bernie used one of his alts to wipe out 2/3rds of the rewards. Just because he could. I personally wasn't impacted financially by one cent. But personally from the I'm tired of so many being shit on for no good reason was off the charts.
I wont lie and say I hadn't been on the fence on leaving well before that. I had actually grown disenchanted at Steem and had moved most of my holdings to Cardano back then. I foolishly thought things might be different on Hive now that they had a taste of their own medicine from Justin Sun.
To make such a move that could play an impact into the future of a young girl just because one can and enjoys being a dick is to much. For a system to not only allow this but to demand a cultspeak that we need be grateful for such a system is beyond absurd.
So I just quietly powered down thinking I was done with crypto and was going to liquidate if the markets ever went up again. Hive was valued really low at that time, I want to say in the .10-.14 cent ranges.
During my powerdown I encountered a comment by one of Blurts premiere curation projects, Mr. Cornell. He was discussing Blurt and his character and the unique setup of denying dick moves as I talk of above was enough to rope me in again. Respect of property rights is an integral part necessary for there to be a growing of a large community made up of smaller ones. As soon as one larger more powerful person or community can destroy another at their whim with zero repercussions is assures there will always be a ceiling on good will.
It is the childishness from so called adults on there, men at that (allegedly) that act like highly emotional women on a bad period, no offense to ladies but some can get a touch highly strung/illogical that time of the month, I know my wife does.
They talk like a man but act like small children, again no offense intended to small children, some of them act more mature than the "reward pool" fools.
It's also TECHNICALLY THE reason that HIVE is such a SH!TCO!N
I mean BTC and ETH have their own internal setbacks... but DAMN! HIVE is just such a clusterFunk of failure, hidden only by this PERVERTED system of Bribing Rewards out of the SH!TPOOL. They take perfectly good trustless technology and invert the potential by removing the Trust... "Just get paid to post"... "GOOD Content"... as deemed by the community... in some Discord room... : /
Bribery... Extortion... Price Manipulations... all on "Their" "Community" "Token"
Such a gross project... HIVE. 😐 Seriously .
I rly think hive is never meant to make it as such. It’s too obvious I mean it’s actually got a ton of potential and it self sabotages all the time. It drove off a ton of instagramers, drives off anyone making good money etc I am getting more and more convinced it’s a government trial of daily basic income scheme: to see how society would react to being given a liveable daily wage that can be taken away at will for not following the hive mind.
Pile of 💩 springs to mind, shame as some very talented coders with good ideas are on there, they need to be on here, no not the hive cabal, the real innovators.
I think once the blurt price goes up a little more it will be appealing there are so many coders on linked in actually
Yep, it only has to hit 10 cents and then it will become exactly that, and 10c is not far away IMO.
We need to prepare lol
We are fortunate that this course of events brought you here! You are an awesome Blurtopian, and you were among the first to support me when I first arrived, and will always be grateful for that, as I naturally was not sure if I would be accepted here! 🙏
Thank you for your kind words.
Its difficult for sure to be noticed and one must take responsibility for building those who do notice.
I also think some who are noticed don't realize that even for those with lots of stake to vote with one quickly finds themselves in a juggling act on who to vote for without depleting the votes one should be saving for another day.
One thing I do a little that has cost some I have followed my support is when they do a lot of reblurts. I don't like naming people, but there have been a couple who reblurt so much they singlehandedly were putting more people and posts that I'm not interested in my feed than those who I actually follow. So I had to stop following several people for this. I hope that they can at some point add a feature to either block reblurts from feeds, or at least give the option for us to block them. I often spend hours a day curating and I simply don't have time to wade through more posts I don't want to see than I do.
I think you have a unique approach here, and while not one who will generally spend time listening to podcasts I'll admit you have the voice and mindset to do them really well. Both in your voice (some people have shitty voices, like myself hahaha) and in your ability to ask questions to keep the other person involved in the conversation.
I think this is the hard part for a lot of newcomers because many think it's just about posting and getting rewarded in "cheap crypto," but fail to understand how important it is to genuinely build a following, while choosing wisely who to follow. Those who are the most successful on this kind of platform understand this kind of balance that must be carefully nurtured.
This is a real juggling act here! When you have little Blurt Power, it's easy to just hit the upvote button on everything you like. But when you grow that Blurt Power, you begin to understand the real sense of it being an Influence Token, and your approach shifts to a more cautious management of that power. I often find my Voting Power much more depleted than I would like it to be, but that drive to influence people, posts, comments, trends or events doesn't allow you to stop at 80%! 😆 😉
I also wrestle with this issue, as I like to be able to go through my Feed and quickly find interesting posts or interesting people. I generally follow most of the top Witnesses and the leading members of the Blurt Team to keep myself as informed as possible as to what is going on with the platform. When I see that someone is loading my Feed with too many things that I have to skip over, I remove that person. I shouldn't have to scroll far before seeing something that I like; otherwise I am following too many of the wrong people.
A lot of reblurting is for the sake of getting the attention of the person being reblurted. If I reblurt, it is because I genuinely want my followers to have a look at what I'm sharing, and not because I want to get the attention of the person whose post I have shared. Again, it's a balancing act for success.
I thank you again for your supportive words regarding my talent for broadcasting. Yes, I have been blessed with a unique voice, and I don't say that out of vanity, but rather because I have been an Emcee for many, many, many years, and I have been a broadcaster/podcaster/smartcaster for 22 years now.
I love interviewing people because it is easy for me to put myself to the side, as I have my own personal smartcasts where I can talk all I want. Many amateurs make the mistake of wanting to always have their opinion dominate an interview because they believe that their audience is tuning in to hear them more than the guest. I don't take that approach. When I have a guest, it's all about the guest, and his or her world that I am being invited to enter.
I have spent 22 years now studying human nature, and 3-4 of those years were in private practice helping people deal with their emotional pathologies and inner demons, so I am a very good listener, and know how to get into the mind, heart and soul of the other. This creates an amazing advantage when interviewing! Hip Hop culture has taught me that nobody has a shitty voice, but rather that people say shitty things with their voice, hence not showing appreciation for the gift of that voice. I'll have to figure out a way to convince you to do a show with me... but I won't hold my breath! 🙊 🤣 😉
I guess it was article61 teenage daughter then? He lives not far from where I come from in the UK, nice guy, talked to him at length over the years. We have similar interests and thoughts him and I.
It was his sisters daughter. She had/has been involved in a bitter custody legal dispute with the childs father. Evidently he would rather the child be in foster care than with the mother with the motions he has been making as he tries to gain custody himself.
Article61, being the decent man he is would rather take the burden of raising his niece than to allow strangers with possible evil ulterior motives raise her.
He's a good man. There were many things I disliked on Steem and then Hive as far as dick moves, but this one to deny him funds that others wished him to have from their stake allocations was the final straw. To be so callous towards a little girls fate over a measly 12.00 or so he downvoted/negated is hard to reconcile. Who in their right mind does shit like this? Who in their right mind want's to invest their time and money into such a system?
Sick and twisted, bernie disappeared when steemit was sold, always thought he was ned's naughty alt account, and he was on there pre launch too.
Naw, he was on Hive. It was on Hive he downvoted that post. I doubt he will ever disappear. I believe he probably just uses other alt account (he goes through them like water) and has changed his behavior enough to not be directly tied to his normal activities of the past.
Yes, I knew of that. All accounts were airdropped when they forked from Steem. In hindsight they regret it but not because of this account, but due to so many dumping right after the airdrop really tanked the price hard. I ultimately think they did the right thing and we are seeing Blurt slowly begin to grow from those early roots. A much better foundation as they proceeded with honor from the start unlike Hive.
The Freedom account never does anything here so other than the increase they receive to not lose vests their power here is eroded more by the day. The account doesn't even vote for witnesses.
I think the freedom account was another ned/dan insider account as it was created like berniesanders was - pre launch and ned/dan have moved on and ned at least has no interest in cryptos now so possibly does not even know blurt exists or them tokens.
Odd, never seen him/it on hive, do you remember freedom, the account? It for sure was Ned's and has a tonne of unclaimed tokens on here
On hive he was using mostly the innerhive and account. The xxx account was last active 2 months ago. I suspect he is using other of his many thousands of accounts to play, only being more subtle about it after he and Dan went at it with one another.
I noticed as he grew quieter that others began taking up the slack on downvoting and often being a dick about it in comment.
They had so many alt accounts it was unreal, I counted over 200 for the bernie account.
Hillary arse.🤣
Bring back the cocaine in Coke! 😁
haha great I see we have had the same enemies, the star-downvoter and his big friends (who seem to dislike him now), I had it two times once on steemit and the second time on Hive he together with the other bad guy transisto pfunk(the witness) and the whole OCDB-Club !
My buddy who brought me to steemit lost more than 3 accounts in this fights with the old Steem-gang, I have said every time one time they all will get a bitter revenge from one who can !
Showtime 😂
Enjoy the show, it is only getting started, it will implode, the entire site, by "their own actions" no need to join in, just get some popcorn, child culture is just that, and that is where they are at.
hehe this time I will stay out and just enjoy the show even when I know we don´t have a downvote button here, but I don´t trust these guys they are all heavily mentally ill, normally such guys must be held in a 200 meters deep cellar without internet connection and light ;)
Leave it to me, I can deal with them with humour, something they sadly lack 😂
hehe yeah will do so, because I´m not the guy with a huge portion of humor, I´m more the guy with the numbers and the contracts
By the way, themarkymark commented below, if you want to tell him what you think of him, he will only meme you back, as he seems like he has dementia and is unable to speak.
Too much SALT consumption gave his brain some infarcts @jerkoff and wants us to consume more salt, No way Markypoo!
Laugh at him, he is a clown, and note he can not speak, only meme, is that not low quality effort, by his own judgement standards, worthy of being punished?
That person is a hypocrisy on two legs, he imposes rules on the fly and keeping himself above that rule not to mention his psychopathic brain, I don't what causes it, maybe some food type or what?
Mock him, he is pathetic
Got inspired to write a short poem there. 👍
Nice 1.
hehe I saw it, and answered you in your other reply down below ;)
Ocd guys were my problem ppl too cause I witnessed their behaviour in private chats back In 2017, and how toxic they were back then, they would just target random newbies for fun and take them down to zero rep and 0 earnings till they left.
That’s why retention was so bad
Those 1.8t VAG engine's can be good fun once tuned up for more power. A friend of mine had an A4 1.8t Quattro. About time Marky got a taste of his own medicine.
He is an arshole, agreed, but yep. These engines are ace, I tuned my old a4 1,8t to 260bhp, my old a3 quatro was 265, got this to 275, want the 350bhp, mrs will kill me lol, all good fun.
350bhp sounds fun I hope you do it👍
I need to find where the bloody beeper is in the car, the warning one under the dash, when I floor it and thrash it through the gears the dam thing keeps beeping, like traction control failure or something like that, if I find it it is getting ripped out.
Wicked good update bruv.
HIVE, to me, is like the beers your bricklayer brought... Sure I could join you for a few... But I got things to get done 🤬
So we're back to work HERE... Better on BLURT as they say 🥓
And the MarkyBastard is blocked... Now 😐
Mute-and-move-ON will likely bring MUCH more value to this platform... More so than STEEM/HIVE Whales explaining to new investors why you have to buy MILLIONS in Power JUST to keep some FLAGGOTS from perverted nonsense.
I can say with some certainty that these Deviants are known and are already a BIG reason many investors won't get involved in STEEM/HIVE. Many of them have been shown private info about half of the HAGS that ninjamined their high stakes, and have decided NOT to pump money into a perfectly fine crypto with an Entirely GAMED frontend and Witness group. Justin Sun was THE ONLY Sucker who fell for that shit ONCE... Which caused the HIVE mess.
How did a bunch of Nobodys burn such an awesome opportunity after STEEM? Well I like to think that a few of us helped expose their abuses... And Secure A MUCH BETTER ALTERNATIVE HERE ON BLURT 🥓
I Like to think that.
Yes much better on here, calmer waters without the dv button, sure I have had an argument or 2 on here, but moved on and apologized to 2 people also like an adult does, unlike hive.
what THAT will do for development?
And I also imagine that you're ADULT enough to hash out most of your conversations in the open and not defiling the logic by retreating to private DM groups on centralized and manipulated platforms like discord?
wow... imagine if in those 4 and 5 years of STEEMshit and HIVEharassment development, they didn't waste the potential of such a BADASS Technology on FLAGGOTRY and BabyTraumas ... iImagine 🤬🥓
I Predict that the central "Authority" figures of the old chains will become SUPER well known in the coming months... for entertainment purposes only ...

I dislike discord with a passion, I did manage to get inside freak what ever his name is channel, freebornangel told me where to find it, and by gawd the bitching and back stabbing in that smarmy little chatroom was vile, and they select who to pick on next, like they think they are gods, poor deluded tools and fools.
Congratulations, your post has been curated by @techclub
Manually curated by @samhenrytenplus
Thank you.