RE: Shackled minds - themarkymark - 350bhp - a builder. bi-fuel - tri-fuel

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Shackled minds - themarkymark - 350bhp - a builder. bi-fuel - tri-fuel

in justice •  2 years ago 

I think he is confused lol. I always found him to be OK on hive, just a shame he keeps trashy company with the one who calls himself Mark.

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I’ve met him a few times, since he’s come to some of our meet-ups we did and is a nice enough guy, who seemed fair and logical in person, it surprised me truly that he is so ok with bullying and sucking up so hard to these ppl, I was actually quite surprised, maybe they are doing some hypnosis or the real Steve is no longer there and they took over the account.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Yes it surprises me he can not see through them, but each to their own.

I’d get it slightly more if he was getting g decent payouts or relied on the earnings but he has a rly well paid job and gets rly low support on hive. I’m seriously starting to wonder if he’s left and someone’s taken over his account it’s just such strange behaviour.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

You could be right as he never seemed the easily offended type, nor was he prone to making things up like that character clearly did which is typical or more typical of inner hive/steemit characters. I have read his posts for years, and he never went on about being gay full stop.

Honestly the Steve I met a few times just doesn’t seem like this person commenting from this account. It does make me wonder. I mean I think he is more on the tech side than the empathic side but at the same time rational and nice and able to have human conversation. I am surprised he is the kind of person ok with bullying and taking random ppl to zero etc for fun. Like that’s something I just wouldn’t have expected. I guess people can change a lot with brainwashing like if you ever see the people who get recruited to Isis they almost become different people entirely. I’ve seen a few documentaries and it’s almost crazy how people can change to the point their own parent don’t recognise them.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Group think, I put it down to that. You have to agree to play a part in it and go with it even if it is against what you believe just to stay respected by those making up the rules.
I found the conversation odd for a couple of reasons, one me not saying he was gay, and him saying he was, him saying it should stay in the playground people saying gay - but I had never said it so why say that?
And him knowing I am straight and wishing me gay love is as offensive as me stating hope he finds heterosexual sex soon.
Odd, very odd indeed. I would still talk to him or whom ever it is all the same.

I don’t think he’s gay I’m pretty sure he has a wife but I might be wrong

I think the real Steve would ironically really like it over here on blurt but it’s a bit of a pride thing now. I think he would get good support and find it interestint as he likes proper chats and people here are a lot more chatty I found and get into deeper conversation.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

True that.

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

Group think, I put it down to that. You have to agree to play a part in it and go with it even if it is against what you believe just to stay respected by those making up the rules.

There's a phrase for that....

  ·  2 years ago  ·  

True that.