Time to walk and talk about it 👹🍣🎎 My Japan

in japan •  11 days ago 

134 around the golden pavillion (16).jpg

I walk far too little these days. And that's despite the fact that I've made so many plans to do so. To be honest, I not only have this dilemma now in the fall, but all year round. I make so many plans for us, thinking of all the places we need to go for a walk or a hike. And then in the end, something comes up again and the whole thing is postponed or canceled. Unfortunately, there are often unplanned and unannounced reasons for this.

And that's why I'm always happy when it works out and we're finally out in nature again. Of course I prefer the mountains and forests, but sometimes a local park is enough to switch off a little and for a short time feel far away from the hustle and bustle of everyday life. Perhaps Japanese landscape gardeners have exactly this thought in mind when they create the various small and large gardens, many of which I have already been able to discover and explore.


It's fun for me every time and I love to wander along new and old paths and get distracted. A few typical Japanese style elements along the way, such as the stone Tooro in the last photo, are extremely helpful and help to improve the good mood that accompanies me here in these places.

And when the path branches off at one point and you are only able to get to the other side of the water in front of you via carefully arranged stones, I like to take this path and jump from stone to stone full of joy and fun. Life is far too often far too serious, and that's why opportunities like this simply provide a perfect opportunity to get rid of a little of the ballast that we collect every day. When jumping over the stones, you simply let it fall into the water, which makes you feel much lighter and jump much higher. And then it happens, at least for me, that I immediately want to go back and jump the same way again.


And why not? We are serious far too often, and that's exactly why we should try a little light-hearted change of things as often as possible. It's good for you...believe me, because I know exactly what I'm talking about.

Fortunately, I do manage to get some physical exercise after all. Even if, as I mentioned at the beginning, it's much less than I would like. But that's probably why it always feels so good when we're out and about again, enjoying the sun, wind and air. In the end, we usually don't want to go back home, we like it out here far too much.

But life always has a whole host of appointments for us and usually they can't be postponed. And even the little ones grow up and have to face up to their own responsibilities, which even if we grown-ups would like to put off a little longer. Fortunately, every now and then we do manage to write our own script and then act accordingly. These moments are priceless and give us the energy we need to keep going until the next time.

And that next time will come soon, because I've made some plans again. And even if these plans end up collapsing, joy and cheerfulness can't be held back forever. We'll be going out again soon, I'm sure of it, and we'll have a lot of fun on the way. We might even get a little dirty, but sometimes that's just part of it. I'm simply looking forward to what is there to come and I am trying to infect those around me with this excitement and enthusiams. Because nothing is more fun than laughing together, and it's better not to wait too long to do that. As for me, I'm starting right now....


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