According to experts, respiratory tests keep the body's oxygen level in check. Thus blood pressure remains under control and sleep is better.

in jacobgadikian •  3 years ago 

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Breathing exercises are very important to increase lung function. There is no substitute for breathing exercises to increase lung and heart function during heart disease.

How to do breathing exercises

  1. You must stay in Padmasana with your back turned. Keep your eyes closed and focus on getting in and out of your body. For this, take a deep breath through the nose. Then release a little. Do the whole process seven or eight times. It is important to remember that the abdomen should be pulled out while inhaling and the stomach should be pushed inwards while expelling.

  2. Breathing - Breathing exercises, first tighten the back spine and then exhale through the mouth to expel all air from the lungs. Take another deep breath and fill your lungs with as much air as possible. . Exhale again. This will increase lung function. Take a deep breath and try to hold for at least 10 seconds. If 10 seconds does not happen at first, it is important to increase the capture time as slowly as possible.

In addition, by doing regular and appropriate physical activity, a person can improve his breathing and breathing habits. . Studies have shown that practicing breathing in the abdomen for four to five minutes daily helps to improve the overall breathing process. At the same time the health of the lungs and heart is improved.

Experts say that breathing tests are important when you look at the current state of Corona. This will use the lung cells. At the same time, it will be easier to prevent damage from the virus.

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