My Introduction

in introduction •  11 months ago 

I used to operate an IT company and worked for the government. Today, I consider myself a minimalist and a nomad, traveler, or vagabond. A refugee family's child who has been roaming without a base for over 6 years.


How did it come to this point, and why did I choose this path? These are questions that cannot be answered in a few words; they require an entire book. However, this book remains unwritten.

My existence began in ordinary fashion, much like everyone else's. My family sought refuge in my birth country, in search of a better life. Perhaps my fate can be traced back to the year 1763, specifically July 22nd. Alternatively, it may lie within the year without summer, in 1815. The exact details elude us, but what is certain is that my family fled, wandered, and eventually settled in a small town in southern Germany.


During that period, I did not yet have a place in anyone's thoughts or plans. However, as time went on and I entered this world, I enjoyed a privileged start and a blissful childhood. The only missing piece was acceptance as a true German among those around me. I lacked close friends and mostly stuck to our own community. I recall my grandmother taking me to gatherings of familiar faces from her own past, where I soaked in countless stories. It was a distinct world in which I grew up, encompassing everything from food and language to culture. These experiences inevitably shaped the person I am today.


In the past, I possessed everything – a house, a car, and no unfulfilled desires. My life was complete, as I had all that I needed. However, certain pivotal moments transformed me into a minimalist, now without a permanent residence, presently seated on a wooden sofa in Africa.


I have journeyed to over 35 countries, traversing deserts and mountains, swimming in various seas. Throughout these adventures, I have lived out of a bag, without a fixed abode. This lifestyle was never part of my original plan; my envisioned life involved a house, a car, and a comfortable income. The only element missing was a wife and children, completing the life I had envisioned. In short, circumstances steered me towards a nomadic existence and a minimalist lifestyle.


My first encounter with a sense of trouble occurred early in my existence. It happened in 1995 when an individual contacted a government agency, falsely claiming that I was involved in espionage. As a result, my government launched an investigation and discovered that my family had sought refuge from our enemy nation. This revelation ignited a bout of German paranoia, leading to my unfortunate predicament. I was ushered into a room where I endured physical abuse, accompanied by a constant interrogation focused on my affiliations and objectives. Eventually, they discovered that this accusation was nothing more than an anonymous lie, which proved to be utterly embarrassing for them. In order to secure my release, I begrudgingly signed a document stating that I had been treated fairly.


During that period, I was employed by the government and served in the military, making this situation particularly hazardous for me. Although the investigation ultimately revealed my innocence, the trust between us had been shattered. Consequently, I embarked on a journey to establish my own IT business alongside my current job, hoping to safeguard my future.


This incident was not the only instance in which I faced baseless allegations. Over the years, numerous crimes were anonymously attributed to me, yet each investigation consistently exonerated me. The security department in Germany faced a series of embarrassing situations due to my case.


At the present moment, I prefer not to delve deeper into these matters. I simply wish to convey that, in the end, my dog met a tragic fate, my belongings were stolen, and I found myself unjustly accused of yet another crime. Once this was resolved and brought before a judge in the city of Waiblingen, I was essentially forced out of the country.

It is important to note that the actions of this judge were illegal, but due to their status, no consequences were bestowed upon them. While starting anew might have been a feasible option, the prospect no longer felt appealing, as I had grown weary of constantly beginning from scratch. Consequently, I decided against embarking on another fresh start. This decision became the foundation of the nomadic lifestyle I currently lead, relying solely on a bag to sustain my existence instead of seeking a new home and purchasing everything again.


I became aware of this Blog through my registration on Nostr. A subscriber of mine kindly informed me about the Blurt Blog and provided assistance in setting it up. I extend my deepest gratitude to @offgrid on Nostr for his help. Additionally, I would like to express my thanks to @zahidsun and @saboin for their help on Discord for setting up a free Blurt Account. To @blurtbooster I want to say that I am a real person and new to decentralized social media. I do love this idea of decentralized social networks.


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Welcome to Blurt @rubenstorm

Hopefully more Crypto Bloggers from Nostr will Join us here on Blurt … Thanks for your help getting Ruben set up here on Blurt @saboin @zahidsun @blurtbooster

Anyone else over on Nostr ???


  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Thanks a lot @offgridlife for bringing such interesting people back to Blurt, as always you're the best 👍

There are lots of really interesting people on Nostr who know a lot about Crypto and keys on Nostr , so I will continue to share my Blurt posts over there and teach people about the Beauty of and BeBlurt

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Welcome to blurt! 😀

Posted from

Thank you!

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Welcome to Burt.

I'm excited to read about the adventures you've had because of the lifestyle you have. 35 countries is quite a journey, so remember to post once a day so that you regularly receive support from the community that reads you.

A hug from the distance.

Thank you. I try to post dayly, but maybe it will not be every day

  ·  11 months ago  ·   (edited)

Welcome to Blurt and thank you for sharing your history. Hope Blurt helps you in any way and form it can. I’m one of dev contributors here. Feel free to DM me on discord or comment one any of my posts (I’m not active blogging/posting, but am a reader) should you need help dev-wise.

Enjoy your stay!

Thank you!


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  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Welcome to Blurt @rubenstorm 🎉 One hell of a story! Your experience in so many countries gives me the impression that you have a lot of interesting things to tell us, and I'll be following your account with pleasure. Many thanks also for publishing on BeBlurt frontend :)

Thank you. If you go over to nostr, you will see some short stories and pictures

My Nostr zaps have kind of flatlined …. I think we do much better here on Blurt. But Nostr is a great place to tell people about Blurt.

Yes, my zaps are very quiet at the time. Not even zapathon is much....

So I’m going to focus on Blurt, Dtube and similar Crypto blogging platforms and Hopefully Nostr improves …

I hope they all improve.

I think I still get around 100 Satoshis during the Zapathon. Maybe if Bitcoin goes to 1 Million these Satoshis will be very valuable.

I didn't count yet. But one gave me 500. Not in zapathon tho

That is awesome … I had a few 1,000 Zaps when I started … mostly in #coffeechain and #plebchain

Ok, what mean #plebchain?

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Welcome and I look forward to more posts from you.

Posted from

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Dear @rubenstorm, your content was selected manually by curators @nalexadre, @oneray to receive a curation from BeBlurt 🎉

BeBlurt (Blurt frontend):
BeBlurt Delegation program: manual curation + 85% reward back

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Welcome to Blurt!
What a terrifying story you have experienced. Anyways, I think most of us are more interesting about the good story you are still writing as of the moment, the travel journey you are in.

God Bless!

Yes, it did bring me to where I am now. All those little things brought me closer to my life today. It was terrible, but life goes on.

  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Hi Ruben,
welcome and glad to see you here.

Hope you bring nice content with you.


  ·  11 months ago  ·  

Welcome to the Blurt family. The best thing about meeting virtual friends is that they can be with you anywhere you are, so you will always have company while you tell your experiences.

You have a very interesting life, you have had to assume quite complicated situations that have allowed you to measure your character, from what you tell us, you have had to get ahead and you have strengthened your good will and you also maintain your hope for life. All this makes you a strengthened human being.

Somewhere I read, that in order to grow you have to fall, and I certainly believe it has a part of truth, because the more we fall our mind allows us to see how strong we are and this in turn allows us to be more humble, understand the other, and to understand many situations that we would never have imagined.

I liked all your photographs, and they all tell a different story. I hope that in Blurt you feel comfortable sharing your experiences.

A welcome hug and good vibes.

Thank you very much!