My mother's contribution to my life

in introduceyourself •  3 years ago 

Bismillahir Rahman's Rahim All praise is due to Allah Ta'ala.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

How are you all? I hope you are all very well by the infinite mercy of the great Lord Almighty.

Alhamdulillah, I am also very well in your prayers by the grace of the great Lord Almighty.

Today I will talk to you about my mother.

My mother's contribution in my life is so much that I may never be able to repay it.

  • My mother,

The word mother is actually a very sweet word.
Many may have said or written a lot about their mother.
But I want to write something about my mother that my mother has suffered a lot for me.

My mother's name is Kohinoor Begum.

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My dad was fine when my mom got married.
After that I have four brothers and no sisters.
My mother brought me to this world by crying a lot to Allah, this is what I heard from my mother.

Mom has done a lot for me in my life.
Everyone's mother may have raised the child from her own home with her husband's income.

But in my mother's case it is a complete exception.
My father lost one of his legs in an accident when I was four years old.

From then on, my mother's life started fighting. She has suffered a lot in her life. When I realized that, I saw that my mother worked in someone else's house and ran our family.

We were three brothers and one sister. My mother worked very hard to run the family. My father's medicine cost. Our three siblings were educated.

My older brother died of a stroke when Dad had an accident.

Our family was devastated when our older brother died.

My brother was ready to go abroad. My little uncle would take him abroad.

But what a joke of fate and one Thursday a good man came out of the house alive but the next Thursday night the news of his death came home.

The night the news came that the elder brother had died.
My younger brother and I went crazy.

When I heard that the elder brother had died, the elder brother was not at home, there was a madrasa in Boding.

The older brothers were brought home on Friday when the bodies were found.
How many people came to our house to see his brother.
Because my brother was very good,

I have never harmed anyone and my parents are very good people. My parents are not saying that they are good.
However, everyone in the society respects them a lot, that is why they are good, but one of the problems of our family is that we are poor.

Being poor, our family had to be neglected constantly and to the society. The only reason for neglecting my parents is that we are poor.

Even after I got married, my family, my mother-in-law and father-in-law all told me that I was a poor girl.

My mother worked hard for me, especially when I was studying. My mother used to work in someone else's house to raise money for me.

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When I took the SSC exam, my form fillup money was 3800 rupees.

My mother worked day and night in someone else's house to raise money.

  • I will never forget that my mother came home at three o'clock at night.

Then read the Fajr prayer again. This is the work of my mother. I still have tears in my eyes. I will never be able to repay the debt of my mother's pain. My mother is a benefactor for me.

  • I pray to the Almighty after five daily prayers that he has given me such a good mother.

Whose words I will never be able to finish, whose words may or may never end.

I know everyone in the world loves mom and suffers for everyone.

But I don't think my mother has suffered as much for her child.

Now I will watch a ghazal about my mother. There are many ghazals about my mother. I will write one of my favorite ghazals.

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I tell the moon you're not as beautiful as my mother

  • I tell Rose you're not as sweet as my mother,

I tell the moon you're not as beautiful as my mother.

  • I tell Rose you are not sweet like my mother.
  • Mother that is my best mother that my best eternity continues.

I tell the moon you're not as beautiful as my mother.

  • I tell Rose you are not sweet like my mother.

Diamonds are the most expensive glitter I hear. My mother's belt is more expensive than that.

  • I heard that diamonds are the most expensive glitter. My mother's belt is more expensive than that.

I don't want without my mother I don't want without my mother I have hundreds of diamonds.

  • I tell the moon you are not beautiful like my mother I tell the rose you are not sweet like my mother.
    #Mother is the best analogy of love, compassion,
  • Never compare anyone else with mother.
  • Majhi is the best analogy of Bidhata in love and affection, never comparing anyone else with mother.
    #Mar parshe yaaye mache aa aa maar parshe yaaye mache,
    As much as all the pain.

I tell the moon you are not beautiful I tell the rose like my mother you are not sweet.

  • Mother like my mother that my best mother of all that my best of all eternity continues.

I tell the moon you're not as beautiful as my mother.

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This was my favorite ghazal with mom hope you all like it.

My mother's contribution to my life can never be said to end.

So if I don't write more, maybe it will become a thousand words. Writing about my mother will never end.

A request to all of you all must pray a little for my mother My mother is a little sick now.

  • I wish everyone good and healthy to the great Rabbul Alamin.

And of course I pray to the great Rabbul Alamin so that the great Rabbul Alamin keeps the mother of all healthy and well.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuhu.

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