He who has no money has no value in this world

in introduceyourself •  3 years ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim All praise be to Allah the Almighty

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

How are you all, I hope by the grace of God, everyone is much better.

I am also very good in your prayers Alhamdulillah. Thank you to the great Rabbul Alamin who created me Alhamdulillahi.

In the midst of so many people dying in COVId-19, I thank Allah Almighty for keeping me alive.

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The thing that I will talk about today is that if there is money, yes, there is no lack of love and dignity in today's society.

When there is no money, no one will look back at you.

This is what is happening in my life, I am constantly facing many problems just for this money.

I know life is a battlefield.

But there is so much suffering, so much sorrow that it is unbearable, but I patiently and silently pray to Allah, the Almighty, for help.

Allah Ta'ala will surely turn his face towards me one day.
On that day, maybe there will be no one in this world happier than me.
We have a word in the language of Noakhali

Filled Pockets The world buys and empty pockets make people realize that it is completely real.

One thing you must keep in mind when you go out with the people in the society.

That if you have money, if you have power, your mama khalu will never be short of friends.

One thing to keep in mind, however, is that when you are in danger, you will not find everyone with you.

No one knows anyone in this world when the world of self-interest is saved except for a handful of people.

We live in this world. Many people give thanks to Allah Almighty for enjoying many things and many others do not.

One thing if you notice that you have money in society, you have power, you have friends.

You have food arrangements when Allah will take away your power from you.

What do you do then you have time now no matter what you are doing.

Be thankful to the great Lord Almighty for everything.

I am in a lot of trouble, I don't have any money, but I still thank the great Rabbul Alamin.

There are many people on the streets who are in a much worse situation than me.

Alhamdulillah, I am still able to eat three meals a day for those who have difficulty eating three meals a day.

I can't enjoy it, but I thank my great Rabbul Alamin for providing me with three meals a day.

So I will say one thing to all of you, you have money, you have money, spend it in an honest way.

Better a poor horse than no horse at all.

Because if you spend money in an honest way, then in the hereafter this money will become a lot of work for you.

  • If you donate to a sick person, he will recover and pray to Allah for you.

Don't do what you want because you have money.

If you earn money in an honest way then you must spend it in an honest way.

If there is any mistake in my writing, you must forgive me.

Until today, everyone will be well and healthy.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh.

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