Cursed once couch

in introduceyourself •  3 years ago 

Bismillahir Rahmanir Rahim All Praises Great Allah Tayala Assalamualaikum Warahmatullahi Wabarakatuhu How are you all I hope you are well I am also very well Alhamdulillah,

Today I will share with you a story I heard from my grandfather, a king who lived in Kashipur village many years ago, the name of that king was Rajiv Chakraborty, he was living happily in peace. In order to do so, Raja did not agree to marry.


After the marriage, the king was not happy with the smile, he was always depressed, they used to quarrel with each other almost every day, so about two months passed. I can do it.
With this he goes back to his own father's kingdom and goes there to learn some magic from an astrologer and keeps saying in his mind that if J Raja says something to me or ignores me then I will teach him with magic. After a while the queen returned to her own kingdom. Thus a few more days passed. One day the king was conducting the affairs of the kingdom in his own kingdom. As soon as he said this, there was a commotion among the people of the whole state.

The king did not tell her anything about the queen's behavior. He came to the palace and told the queen that you will apologize to me now for why you have behaved in such a way. Rani Surma Chakraborty said I will never apologize to you. And started abusing me more and saying to myself tonight is your last night. Raja Surma Chakraborty woke up at midnight and killed Raja Rajiv Chakraborty very cruelly. The king's blood spread all over the bed and every piece of wood in the bed sucked the king's blood.

Then Rani Surma Chakraborty gradually destroyed the whole kingdom of King Rajiv Chakraborty and ended it in an instant. After that, all the items in the state were deposited in the government treasury and it was decided to sell them.

A few days later, a man went to the market to buy a couch for himself. The man was also there. Dad I'm going to take the couch to my room from today it's mine.

From the day he bought the couch, the unrest started in the man's house. The eldest daughter of the man had been sleeping on the couch since the day she went crazy. The man did not believe his daughter.

One day he fell asleep on the couch to test himself. At midnight, the couch suddenly started shaking and blood started oozing from the couch. The man left the room in fear and started looking for someone to sell the couch.

The main story of our story will now begin

A boy named Shakib used to live in that city and start buying new things for himself to start a new family. Someone goes to the market and talks about the couch. Then a man tells him that he has a nurse. Going to his house and seeing the couch, Shakib likes it. He gives the man some money to buy the couch and says that he will give the rest of the money whenever he wants.

Now let's know something about Shakib

Shakib works in government service as well as studies. His father arranged his marriage with his classmates in the college where Shakib is studying. Three months before Shakib's marriage, his parents brought his only younger sister from the village to the city.
Shakib used to talk to Saima on the phone almost every day
Even today Shakib calls Sahib and talks to him. At one stage Salma says that we should think of something to decorate the house. Then Shakib tells him that the house has been decorated.
Well, I'll go out with you tomorrow. Buy what you like, then I'll decorate our room.

As soon as Shakib goes to the office the next morning, he calls Saima in the afternoon and comes out with Salma. Then Saima says to Shakib, "Okay, come down to the house. I'm ready to come down." After wandering around for a long time, they come to a water shop. Saima prefers a cupboard. Shakib buys the cupboard, hires a car and arranges for a man to bring it home. And gives the man a home address.
Then Shakib took Saima to their house and went to his house and put the cupboard in one corner of the room.
After that, parents, brothers and sisters called everyone and showed them the cupboard. Everyone said that the cupboard has become very beautiful.

After eating and drinking at night, Shakib went to bed, and thinking about the time he spent with Saima today, he suddenly remembered the couch.
It must be reported to Saima. But how can I tell now that it's been a long night, okay, no problem, I'll let him know in the morning.

Shakib wakes up in the morning and goes to the office. He goes to the office and talks to Saima about the phone and the couch. Then Saima says what can we do with such an old couch and we will buy a new one. But Shakib will buy that couch because he likes it very much and he is editing it to buy it. Then two days later Shakib came to Sir's house in a car very early in the morning and called Salma to come early. He hung up the phone without hearing any more words. After going some distance Saima tells Shakib where we are going then Shakib says we are going to see the couch.

Anyway, when they finally reached the man's house, Shakib bought the couch, rented a van and lifted the couch. He gave the home address and rented a car with the man.

Then they left for home again for him. He got in the car and asked Shakib Saima how he liked the couch. Saima says wow so beautiful couch I have never seen in my life very beautiful couch.

 Before they reach home, the van arrives at their house with the couch.  When Shakib's younger sister Riya and his younger brother Shafiq came out of the house, they both saw the couch and they both liked it very much.  The beauty of the room grew even more.

Just two days after Shakib's wedding, the house of relatives is full. Shakib's younger sister Riya falls in love with one of his cousins. They come to Shakib's room to talk in private and go to the verandah. It is as if someone inside the room is talking and when they try to listen, they can't hear anything else.

Today, in the morning of Shakib's wedding, Shakib gave the responsibility of arranging their living to his younger sister and his cousin Rashed.

The two of them started working on arranging the house and after doing some work they would do the rest later.

However, Shakib's marriage is over, the marriage comes from home and the two go to Shakib's room to do their work again.

After decorating the whole room with raw flowers, she told Riya Rashed that her brother's marriage was over.

It says that when Riya looks at Rashed, she sees that Rashed's eyes have turned red.

At that time Shakib suddenly opened the door of the room and entered the room and asked them how far you have gone and how long it will take.

Riya says the fire won't take long and it will take about 30 minutes. Saima was brought to Shakib's house. Everyone is very happy with Saima's mother. Shakib's mother introduced everyone one by one.

After that, after eating and drinking, they were given room at ten o'clock at night. And in that room there is that bloodthirsty cursed couch.
However, after talking to Saima Shakib, they fell asleep at eleven o'clock at night.

At exactly twelve minutes the bloodthirsty couch woke up again and began to tremble.

Suddenly Shakib woke up and his eyes started bleeding with his eyes closed as if a sea of ​​red blood then voluntarily cut my throat ruthlessly.

And pushes Saima off the couch. Then Palanko woke up again. Just ten minutes later, Shakib Khan got up, picked up Saima on his lap and threw her out the window.

After that Palanko calmed down again. In the morning everyone shouted at them. When the door was not open, everyone tried to break down the door and at one point broke down the door.

Seeing Shakib inside the room, he is unconscious and everyone immediately starts looking for Saima.

Unable to find Saima anywhere, Shakib's mother went to the verandah and saw her lying on the ground. She got up screaming.

Everyone went downstairs and saw that Saima's throat had been ruthlessly cut with a sharp weapon.
Everyone informed the police and the police came and took him away.

And put Shakib in the insane asylum because Shakib has gone completely crazy since that night. The police tried hard but could not find any of the sharp weapons.

Meanwhile Shakib sits in the insane asylum and shouts and says Saima where are you Saima where are you.

My story ends here. Everyone will be fine and healthy, and you must comment on how the story turned out.

Assalamualaikum warahmatullahi wabarakatuh

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